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English Translation:


"Who the fuck gave you the right to call me that?!" He shouts at me, I quickly cover my ears due to his loud voice. I didn't notice but apparently I whimpered, "D-Did...Did you just whimper?" He asked, sounding shocked. "No?" I say as if I was asking him.

"Holy shit, you did! Ha! You're just a scared little puppy dog aren't cha!" He says, his voice getting louder. I growl at him as another pang goes through my head. "Aw what are you gonna do about it you big bad wolf!" He teased before starting to laugh. He booped my nose and I quickly bit his finger.

When I let go I tasted and smelt blood, "Ah shit did I make you bleed?" I ask, lowering my hands from my ears. It's as if he was processing what I had just done before it hit him, "DID YOU JUST BITE MY FINGER?!" he shouted, and the way I felt as if I was about to be hit made me flinch harshly. I got in a defensive position as fast as I could and tried to keep my breathing stable, 'The last thing I need is to have a panic attack.' I thought.

He a small sound of surprise, and I no longer felt the fist being close to me. I felt my knees grow weak and I fell onto them, 'No no no!' I thought as my breathing got heavier and flashes of F/N's men hitting, whipping, slicing, stabbing, and tazing me all over. I felt myself shake and twitch at the on coming panic attack.

I brought my head down to my knees, which only made ny breathing issue worse. I couldn't hear anything around me but my heartbeat, uneasy breaths, and my own screams from the flashes. I felt someone grab my chin and forced me to look up at them, when I open my eyes to slightly see the crismon eyes on the other side of the bandana. They were filled with concern but it was masked with a coat of anger.

"What's wrong?! Y/N?!" Katsuki said just before I had another flash he wrapped me in his arms. His warmth and scent calmed me down quickly, and he noticed it. When I was calmer he pushed away and asked again, "What was that? What happened?" He asked, surprisingly calm. "That...was a panic attack..." I explain simply.

I noticed the migraine was gone, 'Was the migraine a symptom of the attack? Like a warning?' I thought before I heard Akuma grunt. 'How long was I out?' She asked. 'Too long. C'mon drink some tea with me.' Hyria responded. I took a deep breath knowing she was up and running again.

"I'm going to assume it was caused by me about to punch you?" He asked again, I nodded. "Why would that cause it?" He asked. "Can we...not talk about it please?" I ask, I hear him sigh. "Fine. But I expect an explanation soon!" He said, getting up holding my hand and pulling me up with him.

The tension built up and I just turned away and headed towards class, he followed behind.

Time Skip

As I walk off campus, I hear a familiar beating of wings. I look up and see Keigo coming down to the ground. I sigh and kept walking, I hear the beating stop and rushed feet to catch up with me. I groan as I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turn around and glare at Keigo, my eyebrows furrowed.

He was in his hero uniform, obviously had just gotten off of patrol. "What do you want Keigo?!" I ask with a slight shout. "Woah woah! Calm down! I want to talk with you in private, can I atleast have five minutes of your time without you getting angry at me?!" He asks, I sigh and cross my arms. "Five. Minutes. That's all." I say sternly and he mutters a small 'yes!'.

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