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入学試験(Nyūgaku shiken)

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(Nyūgaku shiken)

English Translation:
Entrance exam


Izu left earlier than usual for some reason, the exam isn't til eight am. Maybe he wanted to run out his gitters, 'Should we see the beach? Just for old times sake?' I asked Akuma, getting no reply. 'Being quiet huh, alright fine i'll do it anyways.' I thought.

I quickly changed into a sports bra, a white cover top and black skin-tight leggings before slipping on my heel boots. I grabbed my phone and wallet before I went out the apartment quietly as to not wake Inko. Quickly I shifted for my feather wings and took off to the beach.

When I got there, I saw the trash no longer there. My eyes widened before I landed and saw Izu, shirtless and screaming as the sun was rising. He stood ontop of the pile of trash he had been moving the trash into.

I quickly run up to the railing, watching as he yells off into the sunrise. I noticed another presence next to me and saw a scrawny blonde man, mouth agape at the sight. I turned back to see Izu just about done with his scream.

I took into the air and tackled him down, quickly wrapped my wings around us both before hitting the sand hard. "Izu! Did you do this?! This is amazing!" I say with a smile as I unwrap my wings from us and push myself up off of him.

I stood up and offered him a hand, he took it but he still looked shocked. "Lu? What are you doing here? I thought you'd still be asleep." He said when his brain caught up. "Well when you left you kinda woke me up on accident, butbthat doesn't matter! Look at the beach! It looks so much better than before!" I say, spinning around quickly.

A voice clears their throat, "Sorry to intrude but my boy, she's right. You did a great job!" He said with a smile. "Thank you!" He said to the both of us. "Well i'm gonna head off and see if I can get some breakfast before the exam! I'll see you there Izu!" I say, hugging him before taking to the skys again.

I flew around for awhile till I smelt the scent of pancakes and hashbrowns. I followed the scent, finding the cafe we met up with Jirou at. I looked at the sign that says open and walk in. A woman at the counter perked up when she saw me. "Hello! Take a seat, and I'll be right with you!" She said.

I sat down at a two person table and waited for her to come to the table. When she comes up to me, she tries handing me a menu. "I already know what I would like  I smelt it on the way here." i say with a smile. She nods and takes out her notepad.

"May I please get a plate of pancakes and a side of hashbrowns and a black tea to drink?" I asked and she wrote it down. "Alrighty, your order will be out soon!" She says before practically skipping to the kitchen.

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