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English Translation:


"E-Erembroic?! As in...the well known villain?!" He says shocked. I nod slowly, "Akuma...can you refuse with me? I don't know if I can stay awake with how much energy was used..." I say my voice shaking a bit.

She sighs before I see the puddle crawling into my skin, restoring some of my energy. I notice that Midoriya is mumbling again before I sigh and try standing up. My legs shaking, weak from the energy used. "Hey...Cerberus? Would you mind giving me and him a ride home..?" I ask him.

One of the three heads nods and another motions for me to get on. "Midoriya! Hop on, unless you want to stay here for awhile longer..." I say, laying on Cerberus' back slightly. "O-Oh okay, but we're talking about this when we get back!" He says as he gets on Cerberus' back.

When we got close to the apartment building Cerberus let us down. "Thank you big guy, you can go now." I say with a small bow to him and one of the heads nod before sinking into the ground. I groan when a pang goes through my head, repeating to the pace of a beating heart.

"What- the fuck- urgh!" I clutch onto my head, gripping my hair. 'Block. It. Out.' Akuma's voice sounds through my head. 'What's going on?!' I shout to her. 'He's trying to locate you, you need to block it out!' She informs me quickly. I shifted out my normal wings and quickly grab Midoriya.

Flying straight to the apartment door before putting him down. "What's going on?!" He asks, unlocking the door quickly, concern drippong frok his voice. I walked into the apartment, still holding my head. When I hear the door close behind Midoriya I let myself drop to the floor from not only exhaustion but pain.

"Y/N!" I hear Midoriya shout before I black out.

Midoriya's POV

I saw her fall to her knees, "Y/N!" I shout before her body went completely limp. The only movement was her chest rising and falling. 'At least she's breathing.' I thought before getting closer to her and putting my hand on her forehead noticing that it felt like it was on fire.

I gently pick her up and put her on the couch, suprisingly she was alot lighter then her muscle would lead onto. When I got her on the couch I went to the kitchen and grabbed a icepack before going back and putting it on her forehead, hearing a slight sizzle and seeing small steam streaks.

'Jeez, what happened?' I thought as I sat down beside her head. 'I still want awnsers about what she said before but for now she needs to rest.' I thought before noticing that she looked uncomfortable. I lightly lifted her head and put it on my thigh.

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