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English Translation:


It's been a week since the dinner with the Bakugo's. Y/N's been going to school with Midoriya, mostly to keep him safe from the angry pomeranian and the other bullies. They haven't been much of a bother though, they can't really do anything to really hurt her.

She has experienced worse then some small explosions to the gut so it really doesn't do much but sting for a second or two. Beside from protecting Midoriya, Y/N and him train every other day at the beach after school. So for example, Monday she trains with him and Tuesday Y/N sings in the park for some extra cash to help out Inko with bills and stuff.

Actually, Y/N and Inko have a schedule too. We rotate with who cooks on what days, so on days Y/N trains with the broccoli boi she cooks and other days she does. She suprised me on last Friday with a cellphone, Y/N took it but she pays for her own bill since she had refused to take it without doing so.

Right now Y/N is out in the park, setting up her area for a small performance. It was no stage but she was definitely already attracting a crowd. People have been recording her singing and posting the videos on nearly every social media platforms. Because she has such a number of fans, she does have to hide her face or run away from some of them.

Akuma was kinda pissed off that Y/N wasn't doing as much vigilante work as when she was living in the dump so they made an arrangement. They agreed that the nights where Y/N couldn't sleep they would go out and do their vigilante work.

So almost six times a month Y/N would be out of the apartment, doing the work she could before going back and getting two to four hours of sleep.


I use my feathery wings to block the flashes of camera's as I set up my small area where I normally do my thing. It's a Saturday so I didn't need to worry about being at school. I looked to my phone to see a bunch of notifications from social media, I quickly swipe them away before putting my phone in my pocket.

I felt a tap on my wing, making me jump. I look to see a girl with purple hair in a pixie-cut style, she had earplugs dangling off of her earlobes. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." She said a bit quiet, I shook my head and waved a hand dismissively. "Don't worry about it, is there something you need?" I asked, sitting on the bench.

"I was wondering if we could do a duet or possibly a singing battle?" She asked a small shade of pink on her cheeks. I gave her a smile, "Sure! It sounds fun! When should we meet up? We can do it now if you'd like!" I offered, her expression chanhed from nervous to surprised.

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