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Okay look...i apologize for doing this again. HOWEVER I just realized im only on chapter three and it's been two days. A person who has serious trauma wouldnt trust two people they just met as quickly as I wrote it down.

So, once again im rewriting the story. BUT this should be the last time I do so. I'm going to write the first few chapters before posting it, and probably have a friend reveiw it and tell me of it's going to quickly.

Again, I deeply apologize to the people who are getting annoyed by my reseting the story so much, but this should be that time. I'm taking precautions to make sure of that.

I hope I will see who ever is still reading in the next chapter. I'm going to try to at least get the first chapter out by Sunday, but if it's late then I apologize. I'm going to make sure that the new limit is going to be 2,000+ words to a chapter, just so that if the next chapter takes longer than I at least gave a decent amount to read from the last chapter.

I hope you can understand! I will be unposting the previous chapters from this timeline so it's easier to access the newer ones for new readers. I already have ideas on how this new timeline will go, so I have them writen down in an ideas only chapter. The ideas only chapter will never be posted if you are curious.

I hope to see you next time, bye!


Words: 297

Edit: Chapter 1 will NOT be out by sunday June 21st. I am still working on the new character info chapter. And the chapters will be as long as I can make them before a new decision needs to be made.

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