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English Translation:


I wake up to feel warmth on my back and my face, I slowly open my eyes to see the window from last night still open and sunlight coming through. I turn around to get the light out of my eyes only to be met with a white button up, I quickly try moving away but the person had their arms around my waist. Suddenly, the event of the previous night replayed in my head and I let out a sigh of relief knowing that the person was Izuku and not some stranger. I felt him move a bit and groan.

My face heat up as I heard his breath hitch, I shut my eyes and calmed myself down quickly to pretend I was asleep. "H-How did I-I end up h-holding Y/N?!" he asked himself in a panic, I felt him shaking a bit. "She looks...so peaceful..." he says and his shaking stops as he calms down. I felt him move hair from my face and slowly pet me. I slowly opened my eyes to be met with his as he had shifted himself down so he could see my face. "A-Ah! Y/N! G-G-Good morning! H-How did we end up this close?! Ahaha!" he said, red spreading across his face.

I fake a yawn, "Ask yourself that question. You're the one who refused to let me go last night." I point out, letting out a small but not fake yawn. "H-Huh?" he asks before he seems to daze out, probably trying to remember. I wiggle out of his grip and go towards the window, seeing students coming onto campus in groups of three or five. That's when I see a familiar pink haired girl walking with Kiri and Kami.

I clear my throat and prop myself on the edge of the window, waving at them. "MINA! KIRISHIMA! DENKI! HEY!!" I shout as loud as I can so they hear me. They look up and wave at me with wide smiles. I back away from the window and look around for my uniform, seeing it on Recovery Girl's desk, I grab it and walk towards the small bathroom she has.

I walk in and quickly get changed, just as I pulled over the blazer I hear Izuku shout. "AH I'M SO SORRY!" he said. I laughed, "Took you long enough." I joke as I walk out of the bathroom with a small laugh. I finished the last button on the blazer, "Also, don't worry about it. It's not like you were trying to do anything too terrible." I say with another small laugh.

He uncovered his face slightly, "Y-You're not mad?" He asks

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He uncovered his face slightly, "Y-You're not mad?" He asks. I shrug, "Nah, I mean...it's not the first time I've woken up a bit to close to you." I say, remembering how awkward the first time was when I woke up literally snuggled into his chest.

"R-Right..." He said, lowering his arms from his face entirely. "You should get changed, we still have class Izu." I say, patting down my skirt and pulling on my classic thigh high heel boots and zipping them up. "Oh r-right!" he said, grabbing his yellow backpack and running into the bathroom to change. As soon as he locked the door Mina, Kirishima, and Denki walked into the room. "Hey girl! How you feeling?" Mina asked with a wide smile, to which I returned. "I actually got amazing sleep for once, no nightmares or anything. So...I'm pretty great! How about you three?" I ask them. "That's good to hear! Well personally I'm excited since you'll actually be interacting with the class today!" Mina said, cheerfulness in her voice.

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