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束縛(Sokubaku)English translation:Shackles

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English translation:


  I open my eyes to see i'm not in a familiar place, but a darkly lit room. I look to my hands above my head and see that i'm chained to a wall.

"Well well well. Look who finally decided to wake up!"

A familiar voice says through a com system.

"Father? Is that you?"

I ask into the empty room. I hear a deep chuckle.

"Yes dear. It's me, you're a very clever girl. However, you failed your last mission. Do you know what that means?"

He replied, I hear a door creak and look to see five men coming into the room wearing protective gear and masks to hide their identities. My eyes widen as they start to get closer to me after closing and locking the door.

"I-I didn't fail the mission! I got the data I was told to collect!"

I shout to the ceiling, but I hear the same dark chuckle.

"That's not the onky thing you were told to do dear. You were told to kill the boss of that company!"

I grit my teeth and growl at the men who keep trying to put a needle to my neck.

"I won't kill people who have done nothing too us!"

I shout at the ceiling diverting my attention from the men. I felt a needle getting stuck into the side of my neck and hissed from the fluid they injected.

"You boys know what to do. Go ahead."

He says before I heard clicking and started to fall. 'Damn that anti-functions serum! I can barely move...' I thought as the group carried me to the the center of thd room and chained me down inbetween two pillars.

One of them pressed on the center of my back and I felt my wings come out against my will. I saw one guy sit in front of me before clipping a metal collar around my throat, hooking the chains to the two pillars.

"Powering on."

My father said, I suddenly felt myself getting electrocuted. I look up and start screaming. The pain is so emense, I can't take it.

What should I do?

'Try to warp out'


'Try to shift out of the chains'



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Words: 406

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