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English Translation:


I wake up, my head throbbing as I slowly open my eyes with a groan. "How long was I out...?" I ask nobody in particular. "Ah, you're awake. Welcome back." An old voice says. I turn to see Recovery Girl sitting at her desk. "You were out cold for two days dearie." She informed me.

I sat up quickly, immediately regretting it. "Gah!" I shout, holding my side. "Careful! Your wounds aren't fully healed." She said, coming back to me and pushing me back down lightly. "Move too quickly and the stitches from the bullet wounds will come loose." She says, I sigh.

"Give me a second. I can heal them, not my first time getting shot." I say, moving to heal myself before seeing Recovery Girl's hand blocking me. "No, you must heal naturally from now on. Anymore and you will pass out again. We wouldn't want you to miss your concert." She said, I sighed knowing she was right.

"Fine I won't heal myself, but when can I leave? I would like to go home." I say, my voice back to normal. "You can leave tomorrow, but I recommend not doing any full shifts for awhile. Flying is off limits too since you were shot in the side..." she said. I groaned, "Damn it....can Izuku come here though? I want to make sure he's okay?" I ask, she nods and goes to her phone. "Aizawa, please send the Midoriya boy down to my clinic....Yes it's about Y/N....No she's not dying calm down....Alrighty." she hung up.

Not even ten minutes later Izuku burst through the door, "I--came as fast--as I could! Is--she--okay?!" he asks in between heavy breaths. I look at his pale skin noticing that he didn't look healthy, "Izuku...please tell me you were taking care of yourself while I was down..." I say, worry in my voice. He looks at me, seemingly a bit shocked. "Y-Your awake!" he said and came to my bed side. I quickly touch his face, feeling that he was unnaturally cold. "You idiot..." I said, hints of anger in my voice.

He starts to try to come up with some sort of excuse but fails to do so, so he looks away and shuts up. "Izu, I need you to promise me something okay?" I ask, he looks up and nods. "If something ever happens to me, please make sure you take care of yourself. I can't bare the thought of you getting hurt, sick, or killed because of me..." I said, playing with his curls a bit. "But--" he starts but I glare at him. "Promise me." I say sternly. He sighs, "I promise."

I hear the bell ring and after two minutes a group familiar people came into the clinic, the group was made of Denki, Mina, Kirishima, surprisingly Iida and Bakugo. Mina saw me playing with the hair of, a now asleep, Izuku and she smirked, "Having fun?" she asked. I felt my face heat a bit for some reason, and took my hand away earning a groan from Izuku as started to wake up. "No back to sleep for you." I say, playing with his hair again. Once I was sure he was asleep again I looked at the group. "Hey..." I say with a small smile.

"It's so good to know you're not dead!" Denki said, making me chuckle a bit 'It hurts to laugh...' I thought. "It takes more than a few bullets to kill me." I joke around, little did they know I actually meant that. "Don't scare me like that! What would I have done without my bestie?!" Mina asks, puffing out her cheeks. "I didn't mean to scare anyone, but what exactly happened after I pounced on that Nomu- thing?" I ask. "Wait you don't remember completely killing that thing?" Iida asked a bit shocked. "I killed it? Sorry I don't remember after pouncing onto the creature." I say with a nervous chuckle.

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