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English Translation:


I wake up to the sound of an alarm blaring, I groan. "It's to early~" I said as I snuggled into the blanket I was under, eyes still closed. I felt something wrapped around me, it wasn't heavy or anything just warm.

I open my eyes to see a white shirt blocking my veiw. I yelped and jumped back, falling off the bed. When I hit the floor a loud 'thump' was heard, as I groaned in slight pain as I landed on my wings.

Midoriya's figure snapped up from the bed, looking tired but panicked. "You alright?" He asked, rubbing his eyes slightly. "Yeah, I'm good." I say as I got up. I hear a knock, "Izuku, Kuro! You alright? I heard a loud noise." Inko's voice sounded through the door.

"We're fine!" We said in sync, before looking to each other and laughing. "Alrighty. Kuro, you'll have to go to school without the uniform, they want you to pick it up before class." She said. "Okay, thank you Inko!" I say.

I hear her footsteps getting further away, "I'm going to work! See you two when I get back!" She shouts so we can hear her. "Alright, bye!" We said in sync again. I wiped my pj's down, before walking over to my bag in the corner. "I'll change in the bathroom." I say as I took out a temporary outfit of a white tanktop, a pair of ankle socks, and a pair of ripped black jeans.

"Okay." He said, slinging his legs off the bed before standing up. I walked out of the room and towards the bathroom, once inside the bathroom I finally thought of what just happened.

'Were we...cuddling? I should ask him if something happened.' i thought while I got changed quickly. Once done I walked out, holding my pj's and going back to Midoriya's room. I knocked twice, "Come on in." He said.

I went in and put my stuff in my bag. 'Just realized I have nothing for school....welp good thing I already know the stuff they teach in normal schools.' I thought. "Hey, Midoriya?" I started, he humed. "Did something happen last night? Why were we so...c-close?" I asked.

When I turned to him, his face was slightly red. "I- uhm! W-Well...you were having a nightmare...lastnight. You were whimpering and flinching a bunch. I had held you close in hopes it stopped the nightmare but once you calmed down you wouldn't let me move." he explained.

My eyes widen as the nightmare flashes quickly before my eyes, I shake my head if the thought. "Alright, I apologize for not letting you go..." I say as I sat down and put on my heel boots, the only shoes I really had. "It's alright, I get it." He said, his face going back to the normal color.

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