Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight
Shit show

"So this is my house! Amazing, I know I know." Tommy said. They were all aimlessly walking around the server, showing her around. At this moment, showing her the worst house she had ever seen. It wasn't even a house - it was a cave. "Great, innit?"

"It's fucking horrendous! Why would you willingly live here?" she screamed, causing the other three (Ranboo, Tubbo and Wilbur) to laugh. Quackity left a little while ago, just as they began the tour.

"It's not horrendous, you stupid woman!"

"Yes it is you cockroach looking, dick sucking Waluigi knock off!"

"OHOHOHO You have crossed a mother fucking line!" he screeched through discord.

Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo had kindly offered to show her around the server, Wilbur also accompanying them for a little bit of fun. They were making stops every now and again when one found something interesting or to destroy some strange red vines around every now and again. She knew she should have done research, these vines were probably important.

"Oh, oh! And this is Snowchester!" Tubbo said suddenly, gaining her attention. Ranboo headed off somewhere into a house while Tubbo bounced and crouched in front of her, obviously excited. "This is where I live!"

"Oh, is it now? It doesn't actually look half bad. Masterpiece compared to Tommy's house."

Tommy gave an exasperated sigh. She had compared every house to Tommy's, saying they were all so much better, no matter her true thoughts. Comedy, am I right?

The tour was quick, and fairly boring, but Lilly thought it best to be quiet. Tubbo, Tommy and Wilbur left. Ranboo and Lilly were now alone.

"Soooo..." Lilly began, after about a minute without conversation. She wanted to talk rather than listen to chests opening every minute or so. "Bad memory, huh?"

The call went silent for a second, Lilly wondering if she should have said anything or not. I mean, it was just a bad memory, it's not like she offended him. Right?

"...Wait, are we doing lore?"

Apparently not.

"Oh shit, no no. I was just trynna make conversation, I'm not even in the lore yet."

"Oh!" he responded, a small laugh following soon after. His character waltzed away from the nether portal they had managed to get to, and handed her an allium. "There you go." he added, before heading into the nether armour-less. She was about to remind him, but decided instead to hold back her laugh and follow in with only her iron helmet.

The nether bubbled, as it does in every world, a sense of familiarity yet also unknown wonder washing over her. She'd been in the nether so many times, yet here she was; wondering about just what that Ghast was doing, or how the lava would feel around her. Not that she didn't already know.

"I'd recommend staying away from the edge." Ranboo said as he crouched next to her, the both of them hanging to the edge as they looked down to the sea of liquid heat. "I have fallen down many times and it is not nice."

"Really? I personally like being burned to death but you do you, I guess." she said, her walking away from the other and down the path. He soon followed after. "Thoughts on the colour blue?" Lilly asked from nowhere.

"I don't mind blue," he answered, "its everywhere - the sky, the ocean, the... blue flowers?" he struggled

"I too dislike the colour red". She walked through the other nether portal and came across an old place with tents and (for some reason) many many holes where explosions took place. "What about green?"

"Green's overrated. Its too grass-y."

"UGH tell me about it. Its almost as bad as yellow. Damn, yellow is such a bitch."


She giggled to herself slightly and looked inside the chests to see all of them mostly empty besides the abandoned seeds and wood here and there. "What's your favourite element?"

"Probably water."

The brit paused. "I meant like periodically."

He also took a moment. "Do you change your favourite element on a weekly basis or something?"

"What? No! I mean like tin and argon and shit."

"OH! Periodically, like the peri-periodic table. Oh well in that case probably silver. It's simple."

"Oh, I would have thought aluminium." she thought out loud.

"You mean aluminium?" corrected Ranboo. 

"Nooo, I mean aluminium."


"No! You're saying it wrong!"

"No I'm not! It's aluminium."


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