Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten
Guess who has
two thumbs and is
forced to go into

"We need to study, Tommy! Turn this bloody stream off and work with me." Lilly called out from the side, just out of the vision of Tommy's webcam.

"But I need to stream!" he retorted as his answer. Pathetic.

"You don't need to do anything, Tom! Leave TommyInnit for a day and just be the normal you. The you who does his fucking work!"

"I DO NOT DO MY WORK, THANK YOU VERY Much, WOMAN!" he screamed, finally looking at her rather than at his monitors. Despite the screaming, his bluebell eyes showed that he was obviously messing around.

She laughed loudly, bringing her hand up to cover her mouth as usual. Her head backed into the chair. Calming down, she looked back his way with a smile. "Just turn your bloody stream off. You've already been at it for an hour."

"But muuuuummm!" whined Tommy, a smirk playing on the corner of his lips. She rolled her eyes. "One more hour?"

She groaned. "Fine! But make it a short hour! I need to be home soon and I actually want some work done."

"Yeah yeah, will do."

And so he continued the stream. About 20 minutes in after that, Tubbo and Ranboo decided to hop into the call, much to Tommy's surprising dismay and Lilly's enjoyment.

"So what's it like being stuck with Tommy, Lilly?" Ranboo asked once Tommy left to 'take a huge shit', as he put it.

Lilly giggled in response and pulled one of her legs up onto the black, boring spare gaming chair in Tommy's room. She held it close to her chest and responded. "It's an adventure, I'll tell you that."

"Annoying, unfortunately funny, loud, distracting" Tubbo began listing. "I used to be in the same spot as you, Lilly, don't worry. I still kinda am, actually!"

Lilly laughed. "So I've just got to get very close to Ranboo to the point where we jokingly flirt? Have a feelin' that'll be easy."

"Is it that easy to get close to me? Do I need to start being very rude and excessively swearing like Tommy?"

"Please don't!" Tubbo yelled out. Ranboo and Lilly laughed loudly, her having to hold her stomach and slap a hand over her mouth to muffle it. MotherInnit and FatherInnit yelled at Tommy quite a bit that stream, and she didn't want to be yelled at too.

The door clicked open and a boy in a blue and white shirt walked in. His regular red and white tee was layed upon the bed in a bundle. "Guys, I have achieved greatness!" he yelled, walking back to the chair and plopping himself down in it. His hands came together in a very villainous manner as he explained how to 'achieve greatness'. "So I was taking a huge shit-"

"Unnecessary information but thank you."

"No problem, Boob Man. Anyways, what if we just made our own little group? Like Techno with his Syndicate thing. We could totally take over the world."

"I'm not a fan of dictatorship, Tommy" Lilly said to the side, sending Tommy a sly glare.

"It's not a dictatorship, it's a group of friends taking over the world."

"If we aren't elected and we control everything that's a dictatorship, you stupid blonde bitch."

"I AM NOT STUPID, NOR A BITCH!! Anyways," he yelled before continuing, making Tubbo quietly stutter a small "Jesus christ" as the blonde continued. "If you're not a fan of government than go ahead to Technoblade cos we're the Take-Over-The-World Boys. Team Pogchamp, if you will."

"We will not." muttered Ranboo.

"Shut up, you have boob in your name." Tommy retorted. "So taking over the world, hmm. You guys in?"

Tubbo sighed. "Anarchy is basically my main enemy," Just as Techno said, Lilly noted in her head. "So sure I'll join you. But I can be easily persuaded to leave!"

"A weak ally is better than no ally, Tubs. And I'll join if Lilly does."

A smile caressed her face at his tone. Warm yet not giving away too much. Something had definitely changed in his attitude, but she couldn't quite put her finger on it.

"Aaw, I didn't even have to flirt to get him to simp, haha! But yeah, I guess I've got nothing better to do." Either a spy for Technoblade or a spy for them. Or perhaps just an in between? No spying? As if either would let me get away with that. Tommy's too cocksure and Techno has a violent reputation. Still, this'll come in use.

"Then it's official! I'll get on minecraft and write a book about our alliance - Team Pogchamp! - and you can all sign it. Lilly, you can sign tomorrow."

"I revoke my agreement to this alliance unless the name is changed." Ranboo said, something clicking away. He must have been getting on the game too.

"How about The Miners! Cos we're minors and play MINEcraft?" pitched Tubbo.

"I can't tell if that's stupid or genius." Lilly thought aloud, making a small laugh come from Ranboo and a large one from Tommy. She thought she heard an airy one from Tubbo, but he was very quiet lately. Perhaps it was just around her? "I like that idea though. Something about being minors... Any of you guys heard of Lord Of The Flies?"

They all groaned in horrible memories. To be fair, she hated it when she read it in school, despite it being literary genius. "What about the Four Horsemen?"

A chorus of no's came from them all, Tommy being a bit later than everyone else's, presumably because he had to think. She gave him a dumbfounded stare. "It rings a bell? OH! That's the project thing."

"Mhm!" she expressed excitably, happy he finally got it. "Basically a lamb let's The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse out of some weird cage thing and they kind of fuck up the world. We could totally be the Four Horsemen."

"Good excuse to not do proper school work, too." Tommy deduced.

"Oh fuck yeah."

"We're not trying to destroy the world though, are we? Just get more power for the minors." asked Ranboo, a new hint in his voice. Worry? No, no. Hidden excitement? Not it either. What was it?

Tommy scoffed, making Lilly send yet another glare his way. "The Four Horsemen is more of a concept, sweetie." she began, not noticing her little slip up and ignoring the strange look Tommy gave her. She called everyone it, she had even accidently called Philza it once. My, that was an awkward night.

"It's basically symbolism for some thing's destruction. We are The Four Horsemen and the thing we intend to destroy is the age problems on the SMP."

"And get power and moneys!" Tubbo chimed in, a childish humour in his voice.

Lily laughed and repeated; "And get power and moneys, yes."

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