Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen
I'm like Wilbur Soot
except its 2:45 am
instead of pm.

They all headed to a secluded area by the side of the prison, where they planned to build their hide out.

In the words of Quackity, "the plan is simple". All four of them, and perhaps including the lovely Ghostbur, would stake out in a tent (which was now a watch tower) by the prison. Then, when/if Dream does eventually escape, they are all prepared to easily pearl to the prison and take his last life. Imagine that honour.

Tubbo and Wilbur left to go to Snowchester, in order to both collect spruce for Tommy and to have Ghostbur meet Michael. Lilly tried to recall if Tommy had even met Michael yet, but couldn't. He must not have met his nephew.

Lilly and Ranboo cut down a couple more spruce trees just by the place the watchtower-ex-camp would be, while Tommy built up high enough so you could pearl onto the roof. While you definitely could at the right angle and from the right point, Tommy missed by just one small inch and fell into the water, what she was sure to be a calmly pissed expression sat on his face.

"Michael, you are very handsome."

"It's a dog, Wilbur-"

"You're a dog."

"What the fuck, Big B!?"

Lilly giggled at the response before catching on to the nickname. "Did you just call me baby?"

Ranboo and Wilbur started laughing as well, Wilbur cheering 'SimpInnit' along with his chuckles. "I DID NOT CALL YOU BABY!! BIG B! I AM NOT A SIMP!"

The call filled with silence after that, besides Wilbur making a few comments about Michael and Tommy occasionally muttering and drinking something to cover his words.

"So we're gonna be a team and take over the world, Wilbur! Not a dictatorship though, don't worry. Dictatorships suck more ass than-"

"-PLEASE don't finish that sentence!" Tubbo intercepted.

She giggled in response, Wilbur and Ranboo joining in to. Tommy screeched out a laugh rather than a small chuckle, as always. "Yeah, except we won't be taking over the world either."

"Wait, Lilly says you will take over the world while Ranboo says you won't. So what are you planning to do?"


"NOT DIE. Don't say that, my beloved. And Tommy somehow explains it the best."

"Yes, that's because I am the best. And basically we just want a little bit more power because we're young. The older people like Dream, George, Techno, and Phil - especially Phil cos he's double-old - have too much power. We want some."

"You and Ranboo are basically the main characters, what do you mean 'no power'!?"

"He means no power."

"Yes! Thank you Tubbo Underscore. This is why we're the best. You and me. Noone else. Just us."

You whispered to Ranboo: That seemed directed at you ngl

Ranboo whispered to you: Very much so

You whispered to Ranboo: btw you look sexy today

While Tommy rambled on about how him and Tubbo were the perfect duo, Wilbur stayed quiet as did Ranboo. Until she heard him spit out a drink. "Are you alright, Ranboo?" Wilbur asked, although you could barely make it out over Tommy's yelling.

"Y-yeah, yeah. I just put too much in my mouth."

"Aah, okay."

Ranboo whispered to you: Likewise ;)





Ranboo and Tubbo let out a small laugh. Lately Ranboo's alt account had been discovered and they thought "fuck it", deciding to watch one of the best musicals in the world for a stream - The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals by Starkid. Lilly had always been a huge fan of them, and literally squealed when Ranboo invited her to their small viewing session.

Ranboo pressed play. She was watching it from his stream, and only listened to the sound of his voice from it, silencing the one from her phone.

"He pines after a cute lil' barista~" her soft voice accidently played along with the heavenly Lauren Lopez, not that anybody seemed to protest. She hadn't realised she was doing it, singing subconsciously. "Isn't that worth a show-stopping fiesta, yeah?"

"You didn't tell us you could sing!" said Tubbo, bringing her out of her little trance.

She offered a small "huh" before realising what she did. "Oh shit! Sorry, didn't realise. And I really can't-"

"That's what someone who can would say. You can sing, you're really good! Isn't she Ranboo?". He cleared his throat before offering a small grunt of approval. "See!"

The musical played on, Ranboo and Lilly making slight remarks every now and again about songs or just how amazing it is overall. And then, the almighty Robert Manion came on the stage as Professor Hidgens, and began singing his iconic tune: Show Stopping Number.

Ranboo and Lilly quietly sang along, happy the moment finally came but trying to not ruin it for those who hadn't seen it yet. He, of course, hummed rather than cursed.

"BUSINESS CALLS I'M UP TO MY ASS IN SHIT! What is this business? Markets are crashing and I'm at the edge of my wits!"

"-My wits!" (he was a little out of time)

"I just can't take it!"

"BELT IT OUT, LILLY!" he encouraged, just as she said the next line, literally belting it out as he said to.

"COS ALL I WANT TO DOOOOOO! I'll let Robert my beloved do the next part." she said, just in time for Robert to start listening off the absurd names someone like Ranboo would name his endermen buds.

She heard a knock on the door and Dylan (her older brother, if you don't remember) came barging in, despite her not saying he could enter.

"Keep it down, would you? Some of us are trying to sleep!"

"Sleep? Its-oh shit, it's actual rather late."

"YES IT IS! Go to fucking sleep you little twat."

She shoved her middle finger up at him as he closed the door. When he was out of the room she whispered to the others; "He can suck one, I ain't gonna sleep- DAMN THOSE HIPS!"

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