Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen
I hate the number 19
with a burning passion.
May skip chapter 19
and go to chapter 20
instead cos 19
sucks ass.

Lilly sat down on her floor, in the same spot as usual, as she stared up at the white ceiling, a few brunette hairs crawling their way into her eyesight. Her fellow horsemen sat on the call - Tommy and Tubbo actually on the SMP and Ranboo just doing Ranboo things. Nobody was streaming so Tommy was free to use her actual name, although he still didn't since Tubbo hadn't had an official greeting. She would do one eventually, just not right now. Or soon. Or ever, maybe. 

"TOMMY! NO!" Tubbo screamed against his mic, making Lilly yelp and no doubt making Ranboo jump. "I know I'm strong and radiate masculinity but I can still die."

Tommy let out his 'pff' sound that most likely made his bangs fly upwards and Lilly let out a small snort that she quickly covered up by clearing her throat. "T-tubbo, man..." Ranboo exasperatingly whispered between laughs. "I don't want to be mean but-"

"I know, I know. I'm not that strong."

"Yeeaahh, you tell 'em Tubso." Lilly said, opening up her computer in the background. 

Dylan yelled for her from down the stairs and she walked down to be met with both her sibling sat by the kitchen counter with another woman. Black hair held up in a tight bun, pulling against her cinnamon skin, and a welcoming yet cold smile creating creases by the side of her closed eyes. But Lilly knew her eyes were the same jet black as hers.

"Mãe, what are you doing here?" she whispered, the call she was on just a few seconds ago being completely erased from her mind.

"Business brought me back to England. It's amazing to see you, Lindo." she expressed, walking up to Lilly and embracing her in a tight hug.

She snaked her way out of her mother's arms and asked "Yeah, you too. It's been a while. How is the business?" 

"Still doing well, very well. Stocks been higher than ever and we thinking of expanding to Brazil! Finally a place I can sorta speak the language." she laughed.

Dylan walked up beside them and pulled his coat on. "I gotta go, night shift starts soon. When Anastacia leaves, you'll take care of Anya, right Lils?". Lilly made a noise of agreement, not taking her eyes off her beaming mother she hadn't seen in so long. "Okay good. Nice seeing you, Stacia."

"You too, Dylan. Adeus."

"Ha, Adeus." he bided them all farewell and closed the door, leaving the two girls with their mother.

Dylan wasn't born from Anastacia but they all had the same father, Stacia was just his second wife and mother of Anya and Lilly. He still treated her like his own mother, it'd be impolite not to, but it just felt easier to leave them. Lilly would have done the same if she was in that position.

"So, any boys in your lives yet?" Stacia asked, a small smirk growing on her face as she plopped herself back down by the kitchen counter.

Both Anya and Lilly cringed and the latter stationed herself on the opposite side of the counter, being the only one without a chair. "I don't think I'll ever get married, not gonna lie. It seems like too much work."

"I felt the same, Anya. But when you meet the right person - like how I met your father - it'll all feel like a dream."

"Eeehhh..." the youngest groaned, making Lilly let out a small chuckle. "Still seems like too much work."

"Oh fodam-se then. What about you, Lilly? Any boys? Or girls, I haven't forgotten."

"Thank you, Mamã. And no, I don't think so. I'm completely on Annie's side about all this. Dating is just - it's too stressful. Finding someone you love and devote your life to is unnecessary. You should spend your life doing-"

"I'm going to stop you there, Lilly, before you go on another rant about how romance is a load of bull." Anya interrupted with a small smirk on her face. "And what do you mean no-one? I know for a fact there's at least three competitors."

"Oooo!" Stacia beamed, expressing a suffocating enjoyment. She always loved hearing about people's love lives, even if she hated the person. "Three competitors? It's like one of those books I read as a kid. Tell mamã all about it."

"There are no competitors!" Lilly protested.

 Anya held one finger up every time she listed off one of the three guys. And when Lilly heard the names, she couldn't withhold from laughing. "No way in Heaven would I ever date Tommy! Where the hell did you even get that idea? And Tubbo and Ranboo are just friends - I've never even met them."

"Oh, you should never talk to people on the internet." muttered Stacia. "They'll find your address, pretend to be a delivery guy and when you go to get your pizza next thing you know is you wake up in the middle of Paris with nothing but a thong that isn't yours, a salad that wasn't billed to you, and a child."

"... Do we have a long lost sibling, mum?" Anya whispered, a look of dread etched onto her face.

"Oh no no no. That happened to your aunt Rose on her hen night."


Lilly thought it best to interrupt the two before the story unravelled even further and some terrifying family secrets were most likely revealed. "Okay okay. They're not random people on the internet, mum. Don't worry. And I'm careful anyways, I don't let anyone get close to me."

"Like a good Horne should!" Stacia boasted before pouring herself a glass of wine for the night. "If anybody even tries to get comfortable with you, kick them in the shin."

"Or, yknow," Anya hummed, "just tell them to piss off?"

Stacia quickly gulped a mouthful of wine and held her glass up in the air. "Either works!"

"Either works!" the two daughters repeated, Lilly holding up her own glass of wine and Anya holding up a glass of apple juice she had squeezed out of a Capri Sun. 


She wished her mother a swift goodbye and called her a cab, waiting until the car had set off to go back inside. "Wanna order something?" she asked Anya.

"Yeah sure. I'll order us a pizza." the younger answered, pulling out her phone and doing as she said.

"Poggers." Lilly responded, before jumping onto the couch and yawning. She reached over to the remote to see what was on the television. The music channel was the first on and the current song was an absolutely horrible one. She turned it off as quick as she could, terrified to turn the black platform on again. Instead, she just reached out to find her phone.

But she didn't find it. She looked around the couch, and even travelled into the kitchen as she began her search. "Have you seen my phone?" she questioned her sister.

"No, I ain't. Are you sure you brought it down with you? I don't remember seeing you bring it down."

"Why would I not have-?" she started, before stopping mid-sentence as her brain went back to what she was doing on her phone last. She had finally remembered, expressing that through sprinting to the top of the stairs after screaming "FUCK!" abruptely.

She slammed the door open and saw that the discord call was still open on her phone, an hour or so after she had left.

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