Chapter Twenty Two

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Chapter 22
I could sworn I posted
this chapter but
it's still a draft so
welcome to my
memory problems





How rude of me

You've made me upset mate

And how tf did I do that

In the words of Charlie Puth:
We don't talk anymore
And in the words of LMFAO:
I'm sexy and I know it


Why would you ignore me
I'm amazing
I don't deserve to be ignored

Bruh I'm not ignoring you

You just called me bruh
That Tommy fella is changing you
You usually call me sexy
I'm crying rn

You're always crying

Give me pity


Can't argue with that
Anyways look outside your window

Wtf have you done

I've looked foxy
Now come on
You're not looking

FINE give me a sec

Lilly opened up her blinds to see a small ginger lass stood outside with a rock in her hand, undoubtedly about to throw it at the window. Dorothea.

She waved her hand down, gesturing for Lilly to come quickly, to which the brunette responded with putting up five fingers, signifying she'd take five minutes to get changed and be down. So Lilly quickly shoved a dream hoodie over her head and accompanied it with some black shorts she had, some quick fishnets underneath them.

Forgetting to brush her hair, she went downstairs and ran to the front door, meeting up with Dot as soon as she was out.

"Greetings and salutations!" Dottie greeted her, wrapping arms around her torso as Lilly went for the waist. They parted and Dottie ran a quick hand through her hair.

Now Lilly could really see her. She was always kind of jealous of Dorothy. While Lilly could admit she wasn't no oil painting, she always believed Dot had style. Ginger hair that falls to her shoulders, creating a straight bob she would curl on days she felt like shit. Great hazel eyes that closed slightly when she smiled her large smile. A beige, plaid button up tucked into her light blue and ripped jeans.

Not to mention her confidence.

"Where the fuck have you been lately?" Dot asked, kicking one of the rocks on the road as they walked down.

Lilly shoved her hands in her pockets and stared down at the crippled path. She wasn't ready to tell Dot about her life just yet. "Been revising and stuff." she lied. "I mean we've got tests soon haven't we?"

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