Chapter Twenty One

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Chapter 21
We using numbers
from now on cos
letters suck ass

One thing Lilly has always liked is tea. Not because she's British and not because she liked putting millions upon millions grams of sugar in it. She just liked tea. Tommy, on the other hand, was fine with the coke he took out of the fridge.

He opened the can, taking a quick swig as he walked over to her and spoke, "So how you finding the SMP so far?"

"Everyone but Eret is an asshole, thanks for asking." she asked before taking a sip of her tea. "Wilbur is alright too, I guess. But I kinda already knew that."

"Aaaaannnndddd?" he dragged out, paying more attention to the brim of the can than her. He traced his fingers around it and took a sip, not elaborating on what he meant. She just gave him a confused 'hmm?', to which he placed his can down and held himself up on the outskirts of the counter, giving her a cheaky grin. "Just them two? Noone else?"

"Yes. Is there someone else I like that I don't know about? Are you the one man who finally understands women's emotions?"

"To be fair, I am amazing, so I could be. I definitely could be. But no no no, I'm just surprised you didn't mention a certain person."

"Oh? And who would this certain person be?" she asked with a small smile and rolled her eyes.

He cleared his throat and pulled open a couple draws before taking out a random mask he had hidden away and some sunglasses from a different draw. He quickly put them on and puffed his chest out while on his tiptoes, making himself seem a little taller. "If the crown fits-" he began in an American accent, taking the paper crown she had bought earlier because she was bored, "Wear it!"

"... Bruh me and Techno only talked once and it did not go-"

"No no no! You stupid woman.." he muttered, taking off all the gear and staring her right in the eyes. It was a rare serious Tommy time. "Who else wears a crown?"

She thought for a moment. Only two other people came to mind, and if he was getting at what she thought he was getting at she would prolong it for as long as she wanted. "Hmm... Eret? I already said I liked Eret!"

"Are you doing this on purpose or are you really just that thick?"

"Mentally I'm 32% thick, emotionally I'm 76% thick, and physically I'm 100% thick. So I guess the answer is yes. I am thick.". He sighed and looked down at the counter, groaning in frustration while pulling a hand through his ridiculously fluffy-looking blonde hair. "What's wrong, Boots?" she asked teasingly, taking a green paper crown and plopping it on her head while placing a red one on his.

"You know who I mean and you're being a bitch. Are most women like this?" he whispered to himself, still loud enough for her to hear.

She scoffed. "I thought the almighty TommyInnit spoke to women, wouldn't you know?"

He shoved a middle finger up at her and grabbed his phone with the other, starting to text someone. A moment later he leaned back onto the counter, Lilly drinking her tea and staring at how the sunlight hit him and brightened up the bags under his eyes in the morning. He didn't look to bad, especially in the sun. But no. Never. She did after all have standards.

Then his phone began to ring for a discord call, the person picking up on the third ring and saying "Hi" through the speaker.

Tommy's voice immediately got raspy like it did when he was doing a bit, but his face looked completely serious. "Hello Ranboo!"

"Oh, hi Tommy." Ranboo said, surprised yet also quietly. It was about 8 in the morning for them, so about midnight for Ranboo. No wonder he was tired. "Why are you calling me?" he whispered, his voice much softer than usual and his accent somehow sounding less American.

"Lilly just wanted to tell you how much she loves you." he said, smirking at the brunette. She was taking a sip at the time, and ending up spitting a bit of it out and choking on it.

"Oh..." Ranboo said tiredly. She was almost certain he wasn't actually listening and just going along with it. Then he seemed to wake up a little due to the shock in his voice, "Wait wait wait, Lilly are you okay?"

She strained out a quick "mhm", clearing her chin and shirt of any tea she had gotten anywhere and mentally crying because of the wasted drink. "I have no clue why Tommy said that, we was just talking about the Holy Bicon Eret."

"We was talking about her favourite SMP members actually, and you didn't make the cut." Tommy said smugly.

"You see you say that," Ranboo began, some small shuffling in the background and the sound of a door clicking shut. "Yet I know for a fact I'm her favourite."

"Wrong. I'm everyone's favourite." Tommy countered, Lilly holding back a snort to his side. "That wasn't funny. I'm very serious."

"Once again, we're forgetting about Eret." she argued back.

Ranboo conceded, "Oh yeah. Eret is pretty great. Everyone loves Eret.". Lilly gave a small 'mhm' while walking over to the kitchen and placing her now empty cup on the side near the sink before opening a cupboard and grabbing some milk chocolate Digestives. "Yknow my sleep schedule is actually doing okay recently and you've kind of ruined my streak, man."

"Oh shut up," she began, sitting back down on her stool. "You ended that 'vaccination cuphead' stream thing at like 2 in the morning. Your sleep schedule is just as bad as Tubbo's."

"Still, I would have liked a little sleep."

"Fuck off then." Tommy said, hanging up the call just after. She scoffed and shook her head at him, a sneaky smile on the both of their faces.

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