Ninety Nine

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Jade's POV

When Tuesday rolled around, to say that I was nervous would have been an understatement. I've been shaking since last night, and sleep? I don't even know her. It's also been hard as hell to hide my nerves from Pez, but I think I've been doing good because so far she hasn't asked me anything. Then again, it's probably because she has a lot on her mind. We had a bit of a scare the other day.

To add to the stress of meeting with this son of a bitch again, after we dropped Jaden off at Leigh's, since he's on summer vacation and wanted to be with the twins, I had to take Perrie to the emergency room on Sunday.

She was having some cramps, which scared the shit out of both of us. I was almost arrested at the hospital because even though it was the emergency room, they were not treating her like it was an emergency.

My nerves were already shot from hearing her groaning and crying all the way there, knowing she was in pain and I couldn't fix it, so when they told us to sit down and wait, I was hesitant but understood. It was only after 10 minutes of my wife in my ear crying and digging her nails into my arm, that I had to get up.

There wasn't much happening in the waiting room, but nobody had even looked our way. I expressed very calmly that my wife was 4 months pregnant with twins and cramping badly. The girl at the desk didn't even look up.

"Have a seat and someone will call you shortly." Was all she said, in the most monotone, rehearsed voice I'd ever heard.

I went the hell off.

Everybody within earshot felt my wrath, but they didn't even dare to look at me. Security was called, who I could care less about, which turned into police being called.

Long story short, she was seen right after that, they assured us that she was alright and that cramping was normal, gave her Tylenol for the pain and a warm compress. I was able to schedule an urgent appointment yesterday with our normal doctor, because I didn't trust them.

He confirmed that it was normal, especially with multiple babies. It's just her uterus expanding and contracting to prepare her to deliver two babies. This relaxed both of us, but also scared the shit out of her in a way. She realized that if the mild cramping she experienced hurt like that, actually giving birth to two babies was going to hurt like a bitch.

I tried to do all I could to comfort her, but there wasn't much I could do without lying to her, which I didn't want to do. Yes, it was going to hurt. A lot.

On the bright side, we got to see our babies. They're so big now. Like whole babies with heads and bodies and everything!

According to my junk food chart, they are both about the size of a can of soda, and now have butt cheeks

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According to my junk food chart, they are both about the size of a can of soda, and now have butt cheeks. Apparently, they are also now peeing inside the womb which is kinda gross, but I still think it's cute. Well, maybe not.

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