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The warning bell rings. As I walk to math class I get tripped and beat and laughed at. As usual. By the time I get noticed it was by the one and only Cameron Frost. "Oh my god are you okay?" "No." I say crying. "It's ok." He pulls me to his chest and sits against the wall sobbing. "What happened?" "I was just walking to class and next thing I know i got tripped and everyone started beating me." "Who was 'everyone'?" "Luke, Kyle, Marcus, Owen,... Basically the whole football team except you of course. Plus the cheerleading squad. Even my step brother." "Who's your step brother?" "Julian." "Ok we really need to get you to the nurse." "I can't walk. I think they broke my ankle." "Ok. I'll carry you." "You really don't have to." "I want to. I don't think someone that's such an easy target because of your height should have to live like this." "Thank you." "No problem." He finishes as we walk into the nurses office. "Oh my! Bring her here." Lauretta the very kind nurse at our school says. "How bad was it this time?" "Knocked her down, punched, kicked, and thrown against things." Cameron replies. Wow, I must have passed out cause I don't remember that. "Did she say specifically what hurts?" "She thinks they broke her ankle." "Ok you can go to class. Thanks for bringing her here." "Your welcome and I'm staying." "But..." "No buts she has no friends and I want to make her feel welcome." "You better treat her right. Her mother doesn't even care about her. The only ones are her dad and now you." "Will do. Would you like me to do anything?" 'Wow there's a whole other side to him than the tough football player and snobby popular kid. I think he's hot.' I think to my self. "Yeah that's a whole act." Cameron replies. "K so did I say that out loud or can you read minds?" "Yes you said that out loud and you also said I was hot." "What!?!?!?" "It's ok...I think your beyond hot I mean your sparkling blue eyes that I get lost in, your beautiful brown hair that makes you look so much taller." "I don't think I'm that pretty." "Did I say that out loud." "Yeah you did." "I need to really stop that." I sit there and stare at Lauretta putting a boot on my foot, thinking for about 10-15mins when Cameron starts shaking me. "Serenity... Are you in there?" "Huh yeah I'm here what's up?" "What were you doing." "Thinking..." "About." "How someone as amazing as you can like someone as ugly and small and worthless as me." "You are not any of those things you are beautiful, and I cannot say how much your worth because it would be offensive to compare you to anything." "But I'm small." "But all great things come in the smallest packages." He says and it makes my heart melt. Before I can do anything he leans forward and crashes his lips onto mine. I don't kiss back at first but when I do my arms snake around his neck and I can feel his arms wrap around my waist pulling me closer. At this moment all my worries about what is going to happen after I leave this room are gone and I focus on this moment wishing that I could freeze this moment right here and live in it forever. We finally pull back when a flash makes both of us jump. I look over and see Lauretta with a camera. "Lauretta!!!" "What my baby finally has a boyfriend." "We're not dating." i say. "Yet." I look over at Cameron confused "Serenity Rose Eaton, I have loved you since we started high school and I gave you a bloody nose playing dodge ball. Will you please go to prom with me and be my girlfriend??" Omg!!! I'm like Fangirling right now and decide to have a little fun with this. "No sorry." I say without looking in his eyes. "Ok." He says about to cry. He starts to walk out when I say "I'm just joking. YES!!!!" "Are you serious." "Yes!" He runs over to me and picks me up. He spins me around, puts me down on the bed again and kisses me. "I love you so much." "I love you more." I say. "Impossible." "possible." "Forever." "And always." God I love this guy soooo much. He pulls out a rose. "A single rose for the girl I love." I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him. "thank you." "You are most welcome."

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