Who Are You?

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The next morning when I walk downstairs there is a random boy that looks my age sitting on the couch. "Umm. Who are you?" "Sebastian. Who are you?" "The girl who lives in this house. Why are you here?" "I live here. Now what's your name beautiful?" "Serenity and I have a boyfriend." "Well I see that you two met." My dad says walking down the stairs. "Dad who is this?" "Good morning to you too." He says sarcastically and I give him a look that says 'now's not the time.' "Anyways this is Sebastian. Your twin." "What? That's my twin? Jinx you can't talk till I say your name." We both say at the same time. "Yes Ethan took him the minute he was born, since he was born before you, and brought him here. When I looked at the house I saw his jersey and it said eaton on the back. I then got curious because Ethan's last name is Westley. I left him a note saying that Ethan was not his father. I left him my phone number and we talked. He told me that his mother is Makenna so we did a DNA test an figured out that I am is father. He told me his age and birthday and we found out that you two are twins. And no your mother doesn't know." After he's done talking I have a shocked look on my face and I am all antsy cause I need to say something but can't because I was jinxed. I give my brother a pleading look and he finally says my name. "Does Trin know?" "What." "That he is my, our brother." "No." "Where..." My skype goes off and I scream on the top of my lungs. "Why are you screaming?" Sebastian yells. "Because my boyfriend is Skyping me?" "And...?" "And he lives in Canada." "Oooohhhhhh." "Yeah." After I say that I run as fast as I can upstairs. When I get upstairs I quickly answer. "Hey princess." He says in the most perfect tone ever. "Hey Prince Handsome." i say in the same tone. I change back to my normal tone. "What's up?" "Nothin much just wanted to talk to my super amazing and beautiful girlfriend. How about you?" "I just found out you have competition." "Who?" He asks getting nervous. "My brother." "Wha?" he asks with a weird look on his face. "Okay. So I walked downstairs and there's this random boy sitting on our couch. So I asked him who he was and he answered with 'Who are you beautiful." "And then what happened?" Dang he's so cute when he's curious. "Then my dad came down. He told us the whole story and how he looked at this house, saw his football jersey in his room that said eaton. My dad left him a note with his phone number, they talked, had a DNA test done, found out that he's my brother and when my dad asked how old he was and when his birthday is he found out that he's actually my twin." "Wow." He says shocked. "I know right and worst of all my mom doesn't even know about him. She thinks he died at birth. Also, he has to my date to the dance on Friday. Unless I find someone else to go with. and he's so annoying." he almost looks sad to hear this then gets an idea. "All brothers are annoying we have to be. Anyways I have an amazing idea that you will love." He says with a stupid grin on his face. "What's that?" "It's a surprise." he says in an evil chipmunk voice. "I'm gonna miss you." "I'm gonna miss you too. But more." Was his reply in the same stupid voice. "Okay bye." "Bye luv ya." He says. "Luv ya too." Then I get a knock at my door. I tun off my computer then turn around. Sebastian. "Waffles are ready... What's the matter?" He says noticing I'm crying. I cry every time I talk to Cam. He walks over picks me up bridal style. He walks to my bed and sits cradling me in his arms. "I-I m-miss h-him." "I know, I know." He says in a soft calming voice. "Do you wanna talk?" "Please." "So what's Cameron like." "Smart, kind, funny, sporty..." I keep listing things about him. "What sports does he play?" "Football, hockey, and basketball." "Wow. Since you really miss him why don't do the things that he does but in a brotherly instead of boyfrendish way." "Really you would do that?" "Yeah your my little sister." "We're twins." "I was born first." "Ugh." I scream in frustration. We both get up. "Race you to the table." We scream at each other. we run as fast as we can down the hall and down the five sets of stairs to the kitchen and I would have won if Sebastian hadn't picked me up and thrown me over his shoulder. "Sebastian put me down!!" I yell as we run into the kitchen. "Nope." He says popping the 'p'. "Well it looks like you two are getting along well after the argument you two had earlier." My dad says as I keep banging on my brothers back. "Seb put her down." My dad says and he drops me on the stool and I almost fell off if it weren't for Sebastian grabbing my hands and pulling me back up. "Thank you." I say relieved that I wasn't going to hang upside down for the rest of the day. The front door closes and Trinity yells "I'm home." Walking into the kitchen. "Hey Trin where have you been?" "Yoga. who's this?" She says pointing at Sebastian. I look over at dad then Seb. "Hello is someone gonna answer me or what." "I'm Sebastian and you are." He says romantically. "The girl who lives here." "Trinity..." My dad butts in. "...this is Sebastian..." "I know that." "...And he's your half brother." "What!" Her and Seb scream at the same time. "Yeah he's your sisters twin so be nice. Sebastian this is Trinity. Ethan's real child." "Oh." "Yup I've got monsters for parents." "that sucks." "It does." We say at the same time. "Hey." My dad says hurtfully. "Daddy I don't mean you. I did have to live with Ethan and Makenna for 10 years of my life." "True." "Anyways who wants Blueberry Waffles?" My dad says all happy. "Me!" Me, Seb and Trin yell at the same time like a bunch of two year olds. "Come sit down then." Seb and Trin sit down and were about to eat when me and Seb ask at the same time. "Do you have Oreo crumbs, strawberries, whipped cream, and maraschino cherries? Wait you like that too. It's so good. I know right. Must be a twin thing cause everyone else hates it." "Weird and I have strawberries." "Where's the closest grocery store?" "A block away." "Sebastian let's go." We both get up and run out the door. As I'm getting my converses on I hear dad say "good thing they have each other. Sebastian when I first met him he was a million shades of black, blue and purple." Wow. Seb is already out the door so I close the door softly and Sprint after him. "Okay I know nothing about you except you have a boyfriend, so what do you like?" He asks me and I have to say "Disney!" "Same. What are your favourite Disney movies?" "The little mermaid and nemo." We say at the same time. "Ok we need to make up nicknames." He says. "Okay you can be Flounder and I can be..." "...Ariel." "Perfect." He says putting his arm around my shoulders. After a couple seconds I take off running to the grocery store and seconds later he follows. We walk inside and grab everything we need. We also get super soakers and water balloons and a water balloon launcher. We get back to the house and put the water stuff in the bush. We walk in the house and dad comes to it. "Where were you two?" "We went to the grocery store then went to Starbucks. see?" I say holding up my vanilla bean frap. "Really Seren?" Trinity says. "Yup." I say back popping the p. We walk to the table and eat our waffles which were super sugary but good. After me and my bro run upstairs screaming 'swimming.' We get our bathing suits on and run outside. We sneak around the house and fill up the water balloons and guns. We set up the launcher then jump in the pool. Since the door is on the side of the house and the pool is at the back plus there isn't anyone for a mile I scream at the top of my lungs. I grab water balloons and Flounder grabs the gun and when they get to the back we both fire and get them soaking wet. "Hey!" They both say and we just laugh.

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