Home Sweet Home. Not

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The room instantly goes silent and I grab my phone out of my back pocket. I look through all my contacts for like 5 minutes trying to find her name. When I find it I call her and she doesn't pick up. After three tries I text her. When she doesn't answer I spam her, then tag her in a pic on Instagram, tag her in a tweet, send her a message on Facebook. Mom, dad, Sebastian and Cameron all do the same and she still doesn't answer. I've tried everything. we tracked her phone, called, texted. Wait. There's one place I never thought to look.

As we walk up to the bushes everything is silent except for the sobs of a girl in the old warehouse across the road. We walk over and try the door. Locked. I knock. Nothing. Cameron walks over to the window with Addie and looks inside. "Serenity. Come look." Is all he says and I run over knowing exactly what he sees. After three seconds of looking my body falls to the ground in huge sobs. Strong arms wrap around me and pick me up. my dad. Dad carries me the whole way home. 45 minutes after we get home and I fall asleep Sebastian comes running in my room. "Serenity, come on we need to get to the hospital. now." he says shaking me awake and when I barely wake up he picks me up and carries me to his truck.

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