Home. For now.

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When we get off the plane I text my dad. Five minutes later he is here. When I see him I hand Trinity my bag and run and jump into his arms. Since he was an NFL player he is strong enough to pick me up. Plus he's only 35 and I weigh like 110 pounds. "Hay baby girl." He whispers in my ear. "Hi daddy." I say almost in tears. He puts me down. "hey what's wrong you are supposed to be happy. Your finally away from that monster you are force to call a mother." "I know I'm just sooooo happy but I miss my boyfriend." "Since when have you had a boyfriend?" "Two months." He grabs my hand and we walk over to Trinity. "So this is the 'friend' you were talking about." "Yes." "Well Trin it's amazing to see you again." "Are you sure it's ok that I came." "Yes I love you more than your parents love you times five." "Really? I think of you as my only parent." she runs up and gives him a huge hug. "Are you two ready to see our beach mansion?" "Yes!!" We both scream.
-----------------Time Flash--------------
When we get to our house I am amazed. The house has five floors, a balcony in each bedroom which there are five of, an unneeded pool, a hot tub. There is also a dance room, and an arena for me to practice for hockey. For Trinity there is an art and a music room. The house is neat with high ceilings. After I'm done bringing everything up to my room I realize that everything's how I dreamed it would be and that I miss Cameron more than ever. I miss his warmth when he held me in his arms, the softness of his kisses and the rough skin I feel when I hold his hand. After my longing moment I set up my new laptop. After I'm done I log into my Skype and put in my contacts. After that's done and I teach myself how to use the laptop I Skype Cameron. after 4 minutes he picks up. "Hey babe." I love how he calls me that. "Hey I miss you already and I seen you like what 4 hours ago." "Yeah I remember that was like the worst moment of my life." "Why?" I ask knowing the answer but still wanna hear him say it. "because I saw the love of my life leaving to a new country with hot weather and guys and I won't be there with her." He says and I have tears starting to form in my eyes. "What's wrong babe?" "I just miss you so much. Yes I have an amazing house but I have no friends. I don't even have family." "Hey I will figure out a way for us to see each other again." "Okay, but the dance isn't going to be the same without you." "I would hope so." "I'm probably not even going to go anyways I don't have a dress." "Look in you closet." When I look in my closet I find a beautiful knee length strapless dress. It has a black top with lace under then the skirt is blue. On the shelf is a pair of blue stilettos with black on the bottom and a blue clutch purse. "Oh my god." Is all I can say. "Do ya like it." "No." he almost looks shocked. "I love it. Is this the dress that I wanted but couldn't afford?" "Yes." "How did you pay for it." "Let's just say that a little birdie heard us talking, sent a pic to your dad and he payed for half." "Cameron..." "Don't if we couldn't have at least gone together I still wanted to buy you a dress." "If I could I would kiss you right now. I love you so much." "I..." My dad interrupts him by walking in the door and I pause our Skype. "Hey daddy." "Hey whatcha doing?" "Talking to my boyfriend. what's up." "Dinners ready." "Ok I'll be down in a second." He leaves and I unpause the computer. "What was that for?" Cameron whines. "My dad walked in. Anyways I've gotta go eat so I'll call you after?" "Yeah." He says disappointed. "Thank you. Hey to make it up to you I'll even show you my house and the beach after." "Really?" "Yeah." "Okay luv Ya." "Luv ya more." I say. "Impossible." "Possible." "false." "But true." I finish in a mysterious voice. "Ok I gotta go bye." "Bye luv ya." He says ending the skype. I walk downstairs to find my dad putting homemade chicken pot pie. "Awe daddy you made chicken pot pie?" "Yah can you not act like a... Wait are you just calling me daddy to make up for the past ten years." "Yeah. Why you don't like it?" "No I love it, I just thought it was strange that you were calling me Daddy and not Dad." Then my phone goes off saying that I have a text. I check it and it's from Cameron. I read it and it says, Miss you babe, 20 girls I don't even know texted me asking to go out with them. I feel a tear running down my cheek. Wow, I think, it's nice to know that I will be missed, not. At least Cameron misses me. "What's the matter Seren?" My sister asks. "Cam just texted me and... You know what just read it." I say sobbing. After she finishes it she engulfs me in a hug. "Hey, how bout you go Skype him again and I'll tell dad that you'll eat after." "Okay thanks." I walk upstairs and turn my laptop back on. I go to my Skype and click on cam." When he doesn't answer I start crying. I start school in two days and I'm stressed about that and now Cameron won't answer. Dad must have heard me crying because he comes and wraps my tiny body in his arms and I bury my head in his chest. "What's wrong serenibear?" That makes me cry even more because Cameron calls me that and I miss him sooooooooo much. "Hey. What's wrong." "Cameron called me that." "Ohhhh what else is wrong?" "Apparently 5 other girls have tried to replace me and Cameron won't answer." "What do you mean try to replace you?" "They asked Cameron to go out with them and he doesn't even know them." I say and now that I said it I start to feel a little better. "Why don't you try calling him again." "Okay." I reply and he kisses my head then starts to walk out of the room when I say, "thank you." "What for?" "The dress." "Anything for my baby girl." Gosh how did I survive all these years thinking the monster my mother was is the only kind of parent there is. Wow I was off. Big time. I walk over and try skyping Cameron again. This time he answers. "Omg I thought you weren't going to answer again." "What do you mean? and why do you look like you were crying?" "I tried skyping you but you didn't answer and I thought you were with one of those other girls." "Hey serenibear..." This makes me smile. "...I would never do that. I love you. Only you." "Why? I look like a ten year old, and I'm certainly not pretty. You can have any girl in the world and you choose me. Why?" "No you not pretty. Your beyond beautiful and don't look like a ten year old. I choose you because the second I laid my eyes on you I fell in love with your beauty. Your smart, talented, kind, beyond beautiful, and very interesting." "How am I interesting?" "You are some kind of mystery and a puzzle combined. You make people try and figure you out. It's amazing." He says and I really miss him now. "Your making this so hard." "How." "I'm supposed to not cry every time someone says you name. I bursted out crying when my dad said serenibear earlier." "Really?" "Yeah." "I miss you so much. I keep thinking that I'm the reason you left." Why does he blame everything on himself? After about four hours of talking I decide to go to bed. "Goodnight baby." "Why?" "I'm going to bed is almost midnight." "okay bye babe I'll talk to you tomorrow?" "Yes baby." After I turn my laptop off I crawl in bed and dream about Cameron and our future.

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