If I Stay. (Based on the novel If I Stay)

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I wake up and look around. Where am I? Then I notice I'm in a hospital. But why? I look around and I see my body. Weird. I walk over to my lifeless body when the door opens. I turn around and see Sebastian. He walks over to one chair and walks right through me. Ok, so am I dead or am I alive? I sit in the other chair beside my bed and start trying to get my brothers attention but, it doesn't work. He starts talking. "Serenity I just wanted to let you know that Cameron has tried as much as he could to come see you but it's family only. Anyways I'm not staying long but I'll be back later but I just wanted to let you know that the choice is yours whether you stay or you die. I may seem mad but just know that in my heart. Somewhere I'll support whatever choice you make." And that's all he says before he kisses my head and walks out the door. Before he leaves he says "remember, just keep swimming," and walks out. I follow him out the door to see Cameron. I run up to him and hug him but he doesn't feel it. I put my hands on his cheeks and kiss him, nothing. He stands up and they walk away and I end up on my knees sobbing. It isn't till then that I notice that I'm wearing a white tank top, pick shrug, black tights, and a very pale pink skirt. Why, why, why does it have to be me. I run to the hospital balcony and watch cam and Seb drive away. I walk back to my body and go to sleep. The next morning I am awoken to my hockey stick being placed by my bed by dad. "Hey baby girl. I really hope you wake up. We found out what put you in a coma. It was from loaded with stressed since I left. Your body is shutting down and there's nothing we can do about it. The doctors are working on a cure. It's my fault and I'm sorry." He says crying. All I want to do is run over to him and tell him it's not his fault. That I'm alright and if we were to blame anyone it's Ethan and mom. Because they are the ones that have been beating me since I was 4. 4, that's way to young to be mentally and physically damaged. And I've been ever since. "Please wake up. If not for me then for Sebastian, and, Trinity, or Cameron and your whole group. You don't deserve this. You've had a rough life and deserve to live a better one. I can make that happen. Also think about the children that are still getting that. If you wake up, you could start raising awareness for this. You could make it stop and be those girls and boys just like you and Sebastian's heroes. Hasn't that been your dream. I'm not trying to convince you of anything cause if you die this will still happen. Me, Sebastian, Cameron. We would make it happen and it's not like none of us have experienced it first hand, because one of us have. An believe it or not, is Sebastian. We have all the details planed out already. If you can hear me and don't like anything, please give me a sign, any kind. It could be a hand squeeze or even a smile. Ok, so the foundation would be called the Just Keep Swimming For Child Abuse. We would have a rescue team and a building in each city, with lots of bedrooms and volunteers to take care of those who need saving, basically an orphanage. Every June and November we would host a Just Keep Swimming swim-a-thon. Whoever wants to participate would get sponsors to pay from $5-50 for every hour they swim. Then the top 5 collectors would be able to adopt any one of the healthy and healed children. We will also hold fundraisers where Sebastian will tell his story and Cameron will tell yours. Anyways I have to go so I hope you get better." When he leaves I'm to shocked to do anything. I need to wake up. Not only for my friends and family, but for those poor children in the world experiencing what I have.

For days and days I try to wake up but I can't for the life of me. Literally. Tomorrow they are pulling my plug so they finally let my friends in and it isn't till one specific person comes in and I feel them hold my hand that...

Duh Duh Duh...
What do you think will happen and who do you think that specific person is? Comment with your answers. Also just to let you know I am a major fan of cliff hangers and love writing them. And I cried writing this literally 11:30 at night and I start crying.

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