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As we walk out of the nurses office I notice everyone starring at me. Well I am in a boot and have crutches. I also have cuts, scrapes, bruises, you name it I have it. I also have the best boyfriend in the whole world. Cameron Frost!!! I have the girls giving me dirty look and the boys are giving me jealous looks. We walk to the cafeteria, get our food and sit at my normal spot. We sit on the bench in the garden and talk about ourselves. We have all the same classes together so we walk to AP math with Mrs.Hope. I sit behind Cameron so the whole time we send each other notes.

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After school we take Cameron's car to his house. He picks me out of the car and carries me to the house. Which is HUGE. He puts me down against the bricks so I have something to lean on and crashes my lips onto mine. At this moment I realize that we are made for each other. Our lips fit perfectly together, like a puzzle piece. After a couple minutes he pulls back. "Heyyyy." I whine like a three year old. "Whatttt." He whines back. "What was that for." "We need to get inside." "Fineeee." I say and he picks me up bridal style and carries me into the house.
"Hello." I'm guessing his mom yells. "Guess who." "Carter?" I look at Cameron confused and he says "Nope." "Carly?" "Obviously not." "Kyle?" "Nope your favourite son." "Oh Connor." "No mother Ca." "Carly?" "Nope cam." "Oh hi Cameron." I start laughing after I look at my phone cuz my dad texted me and the clock said 2:45. We got here at 2:30. I read the text it says Hey Sereniberry your mother has something to tell you. I text back still laughing. I'm at a friends house right now. "Whats so funny?" "Just how long it takes your mom to guess who's here." "Hahaha anyways who are you texting?" Cameron asks. "My dad." "What's wrong?" "Nothing my mom just has to tell me something when I get home." "Can't your dad tell you over the phone?" "No he's all the way in California and it costs him like $20 a minute." "Oh that's rough." "Ya I haven't seen him..." I say but start sobbing. "What's wrong." "I haven't seen him since I was 4." "Aw it'll be ok." "Thank you." "For what?" "Being here for me." After I say that he kisses me then brings me up the stairs to his room. We sit on his bed, talking, kissing, doing homework, and drinking our Starbucks we got on the way here. "Dinner!" His mom calls from downstairs. When we walk downstairs she introduces herself. "Mom this my..." He looks down at me as if asking if he should call me his girlfriend so I nod. "...this is my girlfriend." "Hi I'm Diana." "Serenity." "You look familiar what's your last name?" "Eaton." "Makenna's daughter." "Yes I am." "Haven't seen your father around. Where's he been." "Him and my mom are divorced and he lives in California." "Oh when did that happen?" "10 years ago." I reply starting to get watery eyes so I hide my face in Cameron's chest. "Oh my gosh I feel so bad." "It's ok." "Well Serenity its very nice to meet you." "You too." We go over to the table and I see that she made Chicken Alfredo. I get up and make it to the stairs before Cameron comes and picks me up from behind. "And where are you going miss serenibear." "Grabbing my purse and don't call me that." "What you don't like it." "No." "Anyways why do you need your purse?" "I am lactose intolerant so I need my lactate pills to eat dinner." "Go sit down and I will grab it." "K but I can't walk." He carries me back to the table and I eat my garlic bread and by the time I'm halfway done Cameron has my pill. "thank you." "Your welcome do you need water or anything." "No thank you." Halfway through dinner Diana asks "Do you know Trinity Westley?" "Yes I do she's my sister and the music teacher at our school." "Cool. So do you play any sports?" "Yes I'm a cheerleader, dancer, hockey player." "Wow that's amazing how long have you been playing hockey for?" "Ten years. After my dad left I decided I wanted to be tougher so I begged my mom to put me in hockey." "That's amazing." "Thank you." After dinner my mom texts me to get my butt home but uses worse words. "Well thanks for the amazing dinner but my mom wants me home." "Your welcome. Cameron are you driving her home?" "No it's ok." I say. "I only live a few houses down..." "No babe I'm driving you home you can't use crutches yet and your not wearing that boot longer than you need to." "Are you sure?" I ask knowing he has a big football game tomorrow and needs to rest. "Don't you have that big game tomorrow? You need to rest." "No I'd rather get 2 minutes of sleep before a game than have you walk home in this condition." "Ok." He comes and picks me up and carries me to the truck. When we get to my house he grabs my crutches and teaches me how to use them. "Bye babe," I say and he crashes his lips onto mine. This kiss was not like others. It was warm and almost apologetic. "Bye don't hurt yourself anymore." "Will do." I walk into the house. "Hello?"

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