I missed you. So Much.

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... I see cameron. oh my gosh I missed him so much. he doesn't see me so I run up behind him and jump on his back since I'm still as light as I used to be. "excuse me. what are you doing?" He asks me and my heart melts gosh I missed him so much. I decide to play along by jumping off his back and covering his eyes. "guess who." I tell him. "I would say Serenity but she's dead so I don't know." I kiss him and he instantly pulls back. "what the... oh my god." he says in complete shock. "How?" "Well let's just say that what's supposed to shut me down, wakes me up. and that McKenna and Ethan kidnaped me and replaced my body with a mannequin." "Oh my god I missed you. so much." he says and I'm almost crying. "I missed you to. I love you." I say then realize something, "hey how's Sebastian?" his smile instantly turns into a frown. "cameron?" he looks away and he starts to worry me. "cameron, what happened to sebastian?" He looks back at me but doesn't say anything and I give him an expecting look. "weeellllll,hetriedtocommitsuicideandnowhesinthehospital." He says as fast as he can and I tell him to speak English cause it sounded like gibberish. "well, he tried to commit suicide and now he's in the hospital." as soon as he says that I pick up the little girl that I still don't know the name of, grab Cameron's hand, and run to the hospital as fast as I can. The only thoughts going through my head are, why?, is he ok?, why can he be so stupid?, and I need to get there as fast as I can. I can't believe him right now, he's so stupid sometimes. As I'm running I ask my little girl what her name is, "My name is Addie but by friends and brother call me Dede." "ok but I'm going to call you Addie it sounds really pretty. like a princess." I say as I'm walking into the hospital with Cameron on my trail. I walk to the front desk and the nurse asks me who I'm looking for, "Sebastian eaton," I reply. "he's in room 4173 floor 6, are you family?" She asks and I say, "yes I'm his sister." "name?" I tell her my name and she looks at me like I'm crazy. "I was supposedly dead but I was kidnapped. I'm totally fine now." "okay, here's your passes." "thank you." "your very welcome, hope your brother gets well soon." I nod at her as if saying thank you and run to the elevator. when we get inside I put Addie down and press the button with the number 6. when we get there I run to the very end of the Hall to the map and see his room is the fifth one on the right down the hall to the left. we run down the hall and I walk in the door. everybody turns and looks at me like they've seen a ghost. "yea yea I'm supposed to be dead but I'm not, no questions because today's about Sebastian." I say and run to him. I hug him as hard as I can. when I pull back I ask, "why were you so stupid, what did you do, why did you do it. oh and I missed you flounder," I whisper the last part. "I couldn't live without you, seriously I was depressed, I Reyes swallowing lots of pain meds you had for your feet, like I said I missed you and wanted to be with you again, and I reeeeaaaaaaallllllllllyyyyyyyy missed you Ariel." I spend the rest of the night with my family talking and laughing, something I've truly missed. I also had to make three Starbucks runs and six vending machine runs, mainly for Addie and Sebastian but one for me and Cameron and one for dad. after a while I realize moms not here. "hey where's mom?" "She's....."

Duh duh duhhhhhh
Huge cliff hanger. sorry, had to.
Anyways Serenity's alive.
My second update today. 2 in 1 MY NEW RECORD!!!! 🎉🎉🎉
{[Tmi Fans] so my friend is reading cob and she's at the part where clary, jace, izzy, and alec, are in the church getting weapons and clary's like 'you son of a...' then jace is like 'tsk tsk tsk no swearing in church' and she started laughing and what makes it even funnier is that he would have swore in the church. but since it's clary and not himself nnnnooooooo swearing in church
Stay brave (dauntless) 😎✌🏼️

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