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-----------2 MONTHS LATER------------
Today was the day I get my cast off. When I get in the house I'm about to tell the monster I'm home when... "Serenity Rose Eaton get in here NOW!!!!!" That was my mother. One of the many people who hate me. The only person I can trust and loves me is my father and now Cameron. "Coming." I say putting my bag and purse down and walking to the kitchen. "Yes mother." "Go pack your stuff you are moving to California to live with your father. You leave Friday and truck comes tomorrow so we have everything there Friday." Today is Wednesday so I rush upstairs and start packing my clothes in my closet and drawers but make sure to leave clothes out for the next two days. I put everything in totes and bags that are in the house. Which are a lot. "Oh and don't get to comfy there cuz I'm moving up there the beginning of summer." Hurray 3 weeks without the monster Makenna. Once everything in my room is packed I lay down on my bed and go to sleep.
-----------------The Next Day-----------------
I wake up the next morning and run downstairs and eat. When I'm done I rush upstairs do my hair, put on my white topshop lace bralet with an American apparel unisex tri-blen hoodie, rag and bone Justine high rise jeggings and white keds. Then I do my makeup which consists of concealer, foundation, eyeliner, and mascara. I brush my teeth grab my bag and the slip saying that I'm moving schools and walk to school.

When I get to school I see Cameron. I walk over to him and give him a hug. "Hay babe what's wrong." He says noticing I'm crying. "P-please promise me t-that we won't b-breakup after what I'm about to t-tell you." I say backing out of the hug. "You can tell me anything. you know that." "I-I'm moving." "What do you mean?" "I mean I'm moving to California to live near my dad." "When do you leave?" "On Friday." He walks closer and crashes his lips onto mine. "We'll figure it out okay?" "Okay." "Here" he says handing me a box. "What is it." "Open it." I open it to find a MacBook Pro. "Cam you didn't have to." "I wanted to." "Thanks." I say hugging him before falling over because I lost my balance. "Are you ok?" He asks me while helping me up. "Yah. Come on we have class then someone's got a game with college scouts there." "Who?" "You."
The day consisted of:
- Math
-being bullied
-talking to Cameron in all classes.
- AP English
- being beaten
-Bullied and beaten then ended up in nurses office
-Skipped French
After I left the nurses office which was halfway through french I decided not to go to french but to go to the music room and practice for music. I also went to talk to the teacher which happens to be my amazing half sister. "Hey Trinity." I say. "Hey Seren... Oh my god what happened." "Julian, drew, Ashley, Kyle, Kayla, and Zoee." "What zoee?" "The one who likes backstabbing." I say starting to cry. "Awe sweetheart come here." She says with open arms. I run over to her and she embraces me in her arms. "I gonna miss you ya know." i say and she looks confused. "We are moving to Cali to live near dad." "Oh." "Yah I'm leaving late tomorrow night early Friday morning but I'll be here tomorrow. Makenna and your dad are leaving after school is done." Trinity has a different dad. Ethan. Him and my mom broke up when she and my dad became friends (A year before I was born/Trinity was 8.) The got married had me and when I was 4 they got divorced because mom tried to keep Trinity from him. "Oh at least you get to spend time with your dad until the monsters come." "Hey you can call him dad too. He thinks of you as a true daughter." "Really?... I can't because that would be betraying Ethan." "Who cares Dad loves you, you love him. Ethan beats you and you are ready to kill him. Please, for me, call My dad your dad too." I plead. She really needs this so I say "I'll be right back. I just have to call someone." I walk into the instrument closet, pull out my phone, scroll through my contacts till I find the person I'm looking for... Dad. I press on his number then three seconds later he answers. "Hello?" "Hi daddy." "Serenity how are you?" "Excited to see you... Anyways that's not why I'm calling. I was wondering if I could bring a friend to come and live with us." "who is this friend?" "It's a secret but you'll love them." "Is it a boy?" "No!!" "Ok sure that won't be a problem." "Would she be able to stay with you after I move with mom?" "Sure gives you an excuse to come here and see me." "Thank you your amazing." "Your very welcome." "Bye love and miss you." "Bye sereniberry." Sereniberry is what he used to call me because I loved any kind of berry. I practically run out of the closet. "Trin guess what." "What?" "Dad said that you could move with us in Cali." "Really?!?!" "Yeah!" "But you leave tomorrow. What about my job, house, boyfriend? Where will I even get a plane ticket? When will I have time to pack?" "Quit your job, put your house up for sale, you really have a boyfriend?..." "No." She replies sadly. "There are cute ones in Cali. But not as cute as Cameron." "Frost." "Ya." "Somebody has a crush." "Boyfriend." "No Way. Yay!!" "...They have last minute tickets, pack tonight and tomorrow." "I have to work." "Quit right now." I say handing her my phone. She takes it and goes to the closet. 5 minutes later she walks out the door. "Done. Today is my last day." "We get to move to California!!!!!!!!!!" We scream at the same time. "Oh and bring your stuff to my house at around 6:30 because the truck comes at 7." I tell her. Since music is my last class i sit down and wait a couple minutes dreaming about Cali and about my new home on the beach. that is until the monsters get there.
---------------/////Time Lapse to after school\\\\\---------------
After school I start packing my decorations. I put my curtains, blankets, stuffed animals, picture frames, jewlery, shoes. I put my super warm clothes in another box that's staying here. Im sleeping on the couch tonight so I take my bed apart. Everything is all organized and packed except for my toothbrush and paste, pjs, charger for my phone, clothes for tomorrow, hair brush, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, curling iron, and my wedged sneakers. When I'm finished packing I call trinity and she comes to pick me up since she lives halfway across town.

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