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When the girls get here it's 3:45 and the boys are already downstairs. The boys room is soundproof so we can't here each other. We get upstairs and start on our makeup. I have a nude eyeshadow with lots of sparkles, winged eyeliner and lots of mascara. My lips are nude and my skin is already perfect so I don't need concealer or foundation just powder. I died my hair an almost white blonde like Ellie Golding. (Their dresses and hair are above or on the side depending on what your using and I'm to lazy to describe everyone else.) Before I put my dress on I run downstairs to where the boys are and knock. Adam answers, "yes... Arn't you supposed to be at my house?" "Yes I'm leaving in a minute but I did my hair and makeup here so I can have it how I want it since they are making me wear like 6 inch heels and a big dress instead of sneakers and a short dress." then someone walks to the door, "well you look beautiful no matter what," the mysterious person who I now know is Cameron pushes Adam out of the way and hugs me. "Thank you." I say and I brush my lips on his teasing him. He must not like it cause he presses he lips onto mine and it turns into a full out make out session before Wayne pulls him back by the shirt. I blush and stare at the ground. "Geez lovebirds not till tonight." Jordan says and I laugh. "Hey where's my brother?" "i don't know, why?" Cam asks. "I Have to tell him something that my dad told me earlier." "Is it about your mom?" he asks and I guess he heard me earlier. "Yeah. Guess who she actually is." "Who?" Everyone asks and Seb walks in asking, "who are we trying to figure out?" i guess I have to tell him now. "Who our real mom is." He looks confused. "Isn't it McKenna?" "No she's from pll!" "Is it... Lucy Hale?" He asks knowing all of the actors and actresses. He's a huge fan like me. "No." "Tammin Surosk?" "Nope." "Troian?" "Close very close." "Torrey DeVito?" "Yes!!! We get to meet her on our 15th birthday!" "No way she's so cute!" All of the boys say. and Sebastian looks like he doesn't believe me. "Even go ask dad." I say, give Cameron a kiss then walk out. I get back upstairs and everyone has their dresses on. "Why'd you put your dresses on dinner is ready?" They run back into the change rooms and put their clothes back on. The boys already ate so we don't have to worry about them. When we get downstairs my dad has the table set and their is a brunette taking the pizzas out of the oven. "Okay girls we have..." The brunette says while turning around and when she sees me she stops and I notice her as Torrey DeVito, my mother and she says "serenity? Is that you?" "In the flesh. I'm a huge fan." She looks shocked. "Where's... Never mind." She says remembering that Sebastian supposedly died. "He's downstairs actually he's with our friends." Then the girls try to run downstairs when I stop them and text Sebastian telling him to come upstairs. He comes upstairs and I tell him "see I told you so. Mom this is Sebastian." Se runs up to him as fas as she can and hugs him. "I missed you." She says and starts crying. "Okay, prom in in an hour and a half so we need to eat." My mom nods and puts pizza on our plates. We all sit down and eat then get our dresses, and shoes. We fix our makeup when the doorbell rings. We walk downstairs and the boys are standing at the door in their suits. We take pictures then leave.

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