Dance The Night Away

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... No it can't be. But it sounds so much like him. The mysterious person can almost tell what I'm thinking when he says, "I may or may not be who I think I am." I turn around when he says this cause it sounds just like Cam. As soon as I turn around he pulls his mask off and I jump in his arms. "Oh my god I missed you so much." I say before brushing my lips over his. He puts me down and crashes his lips onto mine. "I missed you too. Like crazy." He says into the kiss and I smile. He pulls back and grabs my hand. We walk down the stairs off the roof and over to the beautiful bench we have. We sit down and he wraps his arm around my waist and I lean my head on his shoulder. "How long are you staying for?" I ask and what he says makes me excited. "Who says I'm leaving?" "Where are you staying?" "with you." "Really?" "Yeah I called your dad a couple days ago and he offered for me to live with you guys since you were broken." "I was. Come on let's go dance." I say standing up. "One sec." "What." I say then he pulls a box out of his pocket. "Happy birthday." He says giving it to me. I open it to find a ring with an infinity. On the infinity it says 'small things come in great packages'. I remember when he said that to me when I broke my ankle. I grab his hand and lead him back to the dance. When we get there they start playing the song explosions by Ellie Goulding. I am about to go find Sebastian when Cameron grabs my arm and pulls me to his chest. His arms wrap around my waist and mine go around his neck. We sway to the beat of the song till he grabs my hand and twirls me. Then he dips me and I'm about to fall until he pulls me back up and kisses me. It was sweet but short because Sebastian comes running over. "Hey what are you doing with my sister?" "Sebastian it's fine. This is Cameron. Cameron this is my annoying twin Sebastian." I say annoyed. "Sebastian come here. Cameron stay here." i say pulling Sebastian over to the corner close by. "What was that?" I scream whisper. "Who was that?" "Cameron." "I know that what about the other guy?" "What other guy? There is no other guy." "The guy in Canada." "That's him." "Ohhhh." I slap him on the backside of the head and walk over to Cameron. "sorry." "Oh hey, it's fine, anything for my princess." "Im not a princess." "You are now," he says putting a tiara in my hair. "Really?" "Yup." He replies popping the p. "Come here." I say pulling him over to my friends. "Hey guys this is Cameron, be nice. I'm going to get flounder a girlfriend." I say and Cameron looks confused. "Flounder is my brother." I say and walk over to a group of girls. "Hey do any of you know Sebastian Eaton?" A couple of them say yes. "Do any of you like him?" One girl steps forward and I recognize her as the girl he has a major crush on. "What's your name?" i ask. "Shailynn. But everybody calls my shai." "Come with me." We walk over to Sebastian. "Hey." "Hay anyways obviously you two know each other since you like each other. So..." I say and get interrupted by them, "you like me. I thought you hated me. I was just to shy to talk to you." They say at the same time and before I know it they are kissing and I walk away. When I gat back to my group of friends we start talking then they play another slow song and Cameron pulls me to the floor again we dance for a minute when



DUH DUH DUUUHHHHH. sorry I had to.
Anyways 12 more days till insurgent comes out. Totaly Fangirling right now. It's going to be weird with The cast wearing anything other than black. Like their dauntless not amity. I know i know they go to amity and wear amity clothes I have read all the books 2 going on 3 times. Your probably thinking obsessed much. Fyi I am.

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