Dance Your Heart Out.

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The Day Of The Dance
Today's the day of the dance and I'm somewhat excited. My school is amazing and Sebastian and I now have an amazing group of friends and we call ourselves the gang. The gang consists of:
-Alisha - Wayne [ali]
-Jessyka - Adam (also Alisha's brother) [Jess]
-Emilia - Jordan [Em] [A/N - = dating]
-Zoey - Tyler [zo]
-Anissa [Annie]
We always hang out and are inseparable.

The girls are at my house and the boys are at Tyler's house getting ready. After getting tortured by Zo and Ali with make up, (Don't get me wrong I love makeup but they go overboard,) Jess and Ani do my hair. The curl it and pull the top back and clip it with a blue bow with black lace overlay. Then they put my mask on since the school always has themes and this ones theme is masquerade. Then while they help each other get ready I rush into my room change then text Cameron.
S: Hey handsome
C: Hey beautiful what's up.
S: do you wanna see my dress?
C: I bought it for you.
S: Do you wanna see me ready for the dance?
C: Yeah
I walk over to the body mirror on my wall and am about to take a pic when the girls come running in and take my phone away. "Woah, woah, woah what are you doing?" Char says. "Taking a selfie. Why?" "No pictures." "I'm sending a pic to my boyfriend." "Since when do you have a boyfriend?" Jess asks. "Two months almost three." "You can't take a pic." Ali says "Why." "Make your beauty a surprise." Annie says. "for what?" "Tonight." "He lives in Canada." "Well then how did you guys meet?" Zo asks. "I moved here almost a week ago from Canada." "Oohhhh." They all say at the same time. Then they give me my phone back and I text Cameron.
S: sorry the girls too my phone away cause I was gonna send you a pic since they thought you lived here.
C: it's ok. I'm so happy you made friends.
S: me two. Now do you want that pic?
C: Yeah.
I walk over to the mirror to get sprayed by the girls with glitter spray.
"Really?" I scream. "Yeah you gotta look good for that pic." I push them back into the bathroom and take my pic. I send it to cam.
C: Wow. Beautiful
S: thanks I'm miss you.
C: I'm miss you too.
Then the girls start screaming cause the door bell rung.
S: Gtg my dates here.
C: you have a date
S: my brother.
C:oh. Okay?
S:Okay. I gtg bye.
C:Bye luv ya
S: luv ya tooོ. 😘
I walk to the door and open it to see the guys wearing collared shirts and black dress pants. Their shirts match our dresses. "Hey beautiful." "Your my brother." "And I'm not allowed to call you beautiful Ariel." he says in his best impression of flounder which was actually amazing. "Who's Ariel?" Annie asks. "my date to the dance." Sebastian says and everybody looks confused. "Both of our favourite movies is the little Mermaid so we gave each other nicknames. I'm Ariel and he's flounder." I say. "Wow are you sure you two are not dating?" Char asks. "No we're twins." We say at the same time. "Guys it's a twin thing trust me." Adam says. "Twins sometimes have the same interests and get along well. Or the can't stand each other, for example, Alisha calls me dumb butt, and I call her knuckle head." They all sort of get it and we leave. When we get to the dance I realize its in the outdoor garden on the rooftop. When I get up there I see that it looks like a million fireflies are flying around but it's just the lights. Halfway way through the dance someone comes and hugs me from behind and says "I missed you beautiful." I figure it's Sebastian messing around with me so I say "Sebastian stop messing with me." "I'm not Sebastian." the mysterious person says in a closer to normal tone that almost sounds like... No it can't be.

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