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Unknown pov
It's been three years. THREE YEARS! I was kidnapped to be a slave and God I miss my family and friends, so much. I have broken everything, ribs, wrist, ankle, fingers, It hurts

Yesterday I decided that I'm escaping today and I figured out my escape plan. Out the window, down the stairs, and through the door. After that I run to the airport. I buy a plane ticket (they give me money for their shopping) for Cali and fly home. I figured out that Ethan and McKenna aren't home from 8-5 so I'll escape then. they also lock me in a cage with the keys outside it and the door to the house open.

It's 1:00 noes the time I leave. I use the bobby pin in my hair to pick the lock then climb out. Now I'm I'm a long, dark, hallway. At the end are stairs. along dark stairs that lead to the front door. I walk as fast as I can with a broken ankle down the stairs, put the door and to the airport. when I get there I buy my ticket to Cali and go to first aid to get a couple casts. They wrap my ribs with something that makes it look unnoticeable, my ankle they put on healing cream that takes five minutes to work then the pain never comes back and the bones are healed. They also do that to my fingers but not my wrist because I write with my left hand and I broke my right. My cast is bright purple.

When I get on my plane they say it'll take five hours to cali. I end up falling asleep and the little girl sitting beside me wakes me up in cali. "excuse me, it's time to wake up." she says in an adorable three year old voice. when I wake up she takes my hand and we walk off the plane. when we get in the airport I ask her where her parents are and she said that they beat her and can't go back there. since I'm over 16 and can adopt (don't really know the age for adopting) I told her she can come home with me and I'll fill out the form from the Just Keep Swimming foundation. while we're walking home I see...

(A/N who is this and who do they see. anyways for the last chapter I was going to put in in Cameron's pov but I wast to do a whole book in his pov.
Stay Dauntless 😎)

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