Im so sorry.

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"First who is that?" She says pointing at Sebastian. "Mom, this is Sebastian." Trinity says. "Who is he." "My brother." I say taking Cameron's head of my lap and standing up. "How? He looks older than ten and your father doesn't have a girlfriend or anything so... Is he my Sebastian? your twin? the one who supposedly died at birth?" "Yes. Now why?" "I just was always so angry and upset. I thought I lost a child. Then my anger got out of hand and I just couldn't control it." She starts sobbing and I don't forgive her completely. "I forgive you partially. But you must earn my trust." I say with an attitude. "Don't you dare talk to your mother that way young lady." She yells stomping towards me. "STOP!!!" Seb yells pushing me behind him. "Awwww big bro standing up for little sis. Adorable." Ethan says walking forward. This makes me mad. I walk over to Cameron and shake him again. Nothing. I check his pulse, barely there. "Noooooo!!! Cameron!!!" I feel my shoulders start to shake and I start sobbing. Nurses come in and put him on a bed with a lot of machines hooked up to him. They close a curtain and say family only. "B-but I'm his only family." "No mam family only." "His family is in Canada. So I'll say it again. So please let me see him." "Are you just a friend?" "I'm the girlfriend. and when, not if, he wakes up, I'm going to be the one he wants. If he was the reason I woke up from my coma, then who says I can't be the reason he wakes up?" "Fine." As soon as she finishes talking I run in the room. I run over and grab his hand, sitting on the chair beside the bed. "Cameron please. Wake up. I love you so much." I let the tears come and I sit there sobbing.

Shortie. Sorry finished this at 11:45 so it probably sucks. Anyways. Insurgent comes out on Friday and I'm soooooooo exited.

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