Moving Day!!!

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The next morning I take a shower then get dressed in a Aeropostale grey crop top with 'I never cared about you anyhow' in pink writing. I'm also wearing white high waisted jeans with blue rips. For shoes I have black hidden wedged sneakers. I curl my hair, do my makeup and brush my teeth. I check the time 7:00. School starts at 7:45 which gives me just enough time to stop at Starbucks and get a vanilla bean frap. The day goes by fast and it's so different not having Trinity here. When I get home I decide to wait for makenna to get home to leave for Trins house. 2 long hours later she finally gets home. "Serenity Rose!!!!" "Yes mother." I reply running as fast as I can down the stairs. "Get over here and take off that ugly crop top of yours." Ugh does she have to do this tonight. "Ok. but is it really necessary." "Yes. Your stupid sister is now coming to Cali with us." "Yah." "Why." "Because she can and daddy said that he would love to have her there. He's more of a parent to her than you'll ever be." I say grabbing my last suitcase, backpack and purse. Making sure I have my keys and phone and storming out of the house and into my car. I drive to Trin's house. I run inside a and see a real estate agent and my sister talking. "Hi..." I say to the agent. "Hello." She replies. "Anyways Trinity we have to leave NOW." "Why." "Mom found out your moving with us and is about to you know what. She isn't stupid either so she will probably come here looking for me first." "Ok you can do whatever you need and email me the price." she says to the agent. "Perfect." "K come on." I say as we leave the house to the airport. "Hello how may I help you today?" "Hi we were wondering if you had any seats available for the..." I look at the flight schedule for Cali. 2:15. I look at the clock. 2:00. "...California plane at 2:15." "Yes 2 open seats. That will be $300." "We were wondering if we could trade tickets. I bought two of the wrong ones." "To where?" "California but I had the wrong time." "Ok that's fine. here you go and it's the fifth gate on the right in this hallway here." She say handing us our tickets and pointing to the hallway right beside us. "Thank you. Very much." We run as fast as we can to get to our plane when I hear someone yell my name. I look around to see Cameron in his football equiptment. I run up and give him a hug. "Why are you here." "I needed to say goodbye." He says before crashing his lips onto mine. "Your not making this easier." I say. "Who cares." "Seren we need to go because mom is now texting me looking for you." Trinity says. "Okay." I say. "Bye." "No. This is not a goodbye. It can't be. It's an I'll see you soon." "Okay then I'll see you soon." I say crashing my lips onto his. I pull away and we walk to the plane.

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