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We arrived at what I now know is the hospital ten minutes later. I am finally awake so I follow Sebastian into the hospital, running. "Trinity Westley." My brother says, out of breath, when we get to the front desk. "room 264C, hope she gets well and nice to see you again serenity," the girl at the front desk who I now realize is Felicia Archer, Mia and Liam's mom, well birth mom. we run down the hall to the elevator and go to floor c. it takes us two minutes to get there. "trinity," I say sighing while walking in the room. everybody looks at me funny. I look down to see that I'm wearing a bright pink crop top, coral bunny pjs and matching slippers. I give Sebastian a death stare. "hey Sebastian, I'm in pyjamas still." "I know. You didn't have time to change." He says with a stupid grin on his face. "you know I hate you sooo much right now." I walk over to the chair beside trinity's bed where she peacefully rests. "Hey Trin. I don't know if you can hear me or not but if you can I hope you listen. I never thought that the day would come where I'd be sitting by your hospital bed. 1. Because I'm supposed to be dead and 2. Because we told each other we would protect each other, forever. I mean come on, that's what sisters do, isn't it? Anyways your probably wondering how I'm alive. Well when I supposedly died my body was fake. I fell asleep so McKenna and Ethan replaced my body with a fake one. The next morning I woke up in a ice cold basement; inside of a cage. McKenna came home and i became a slave. For three years this happened. Finally I had enough. My ribs, wrist, ankle, fingers were all broken. I escaped and ran as fast as I could to the nearest airport. I bought the first ticket back here. I fell asleep on the plane and this little girl, Addie, came and woke me up. She walked of the plane with me and when I asked where her parents were..." I sniff and wipe away tears. I continue, "...They beat her. She showed me her back and she had many scars and a goose egg on her head. So, I brought her home with me. When I started walking I seen Cameron walking alone in front of me, so I snuck up behind him covered his eyes, turned him around and kissed him. After he told me that Sebastian was in the hospital my heart broke in half. When I got there and with the condition he was in I had a heart attach then when I realized you weren't there my heart shattered and I instantly freaked and as soon as Sebastian was better, so that day, we searched for you. When we found you in that warehouse I knew nothing was going to be the same again. And it's not. Please Trinity. Please wake up so we have a chance at things being the same again. I don't want to loose my only sister." Now I'm sobbing and everyone has left the room except for Addie. "Mommy are you okay?" He sweet little voice says and I turn around, motioning her to come to me and I introduce her to Trinity. "I think so Addison. Anyways, this is your aunt Trinity. Trinity this is your niece Addison Rae Maddie. Please wake up to meat her at least once." Then the machines connected to her go silent. "Noooooo!!!!!! Trinity!" "Mommy what's happening?" I explain to her what happened and our sobs are the only noises that fill the room. "Goodbye Trinity." I say grabbing her still fairly warm hand in mine for the last time before walking out of the room

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