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Recap isn't till one specific person comes in and I feel them hold my hand that..
...I finally get the strength to move something so I move my fingers. I feel my face being held by two hands and I'm being kissed. After a minute I finally get the strength to smile and kiss back. I open my eyes and see the handsomest hazel eyes in the world. Cameron pulls back and couches to be eye level with me. "Hey Princess beautiful." "Hey. I'm not a princess." I say and he puts a tiara that I notice is the one I wore at the dance. "you are now." He says with a smile on his face. "Hahaha. Anyways how long was I out for?" "A month and a half." "What day is it?" "August 3rd." Oh my god. Today's Trinity's birthday. "When can I get out of here?" "Actually in about an hour. We just need to test something we created." The doctor says walking in the room. "And what happens if that doesn't work?" "Nothing will happen to you but we will need to do some tests." "Ok let's do it. But on one condition." "Ok princess." "Why does everyone call me that?" I turn around and Cameron's holding a whiteboard that says princess with an arrow pointing at me. "Anyways what is your condition Miss.Eaton?" "That he and my brother come with me." "Ok." He walks out the door and Sebastian comes in with him. "Sebastian." I say getting up and running to him. When I get to him I jump in his arms and wrap my legs around his waist and my arms go around his neck. "Your awake." He sighs "Yeah. I missed you." he puts me down. "I missed you too. How did you? You were in a coma so weren't you were basically dead?" "My body was. My soul basically came out of my body and I could walk around the hospital and do whatever I wanted without anyone noticing. When you had completely broken down sobbing I would hug you and tell you everything's ok. When you and Cameron left I would end up on the ground sobbing. Oh yeah and I did it just for you." i say hugging him again. "what do you...?" "I just kept swimming." "You heard that." "yeah. I also heard you had the same lifestyle as me." "What? where did you hear that from." "Dad. And I can't wait to start on the just keep swimming foundation, program thingy." "Me too." He says and we walk over to the doctor. "Okay so serenity I'm going to have you lay on this bed here and I'm going to insert the medication into your wrist." He says motioning to the bed in the room behind the doors we are standing at. I open the doors and go lay on the bed. I pull up my sleeve and the doctor injects the medication. Slowly I fall unconscious. I wake up to find everyone upset. "Serenity you only have about a week and a half to live." The doctor says before leaving the room. I run over to Sebastian and start crying then...

The monsters walk in. "Why is everybody so down?" Ethan asks. I whisper in Sebastian's ear to act like my boyfriend then walk over to Trinity and tell her to act like Cameron is her boyfriend. She nods and walks over to Cameron and whispers something in his ear. He nods and wraps his arm around her waist. I feel a new feeling in my stomach and I realize it's jealousy. Then Sebastian wraps his arm around my waist and I lean my head on his shoulder. Then Makenna walks closer to me and I hide behind Sebastian. "What you come down here and get yourself a tanned boyfriend and ditch the old one in Canada?" She barks at me. "Yes." I lie for my safety "Move." She yells at Sebastian. "No." He says sternly like nothing will tear him down where on the inside a tornado went through and destroyed everything. And that tornado was me. She grabs him by the collar and throws him across the room. "Sebastian!" Me and Trinity say then run over to help him. Makenna gives Trin dirty looks and Trinity, as I can tell is sick of this so she says, "what?" "You have your own boyfriend to worry about." makenna says grabbing Cameron by his perfect hair and throwing him to the other side of the room. "Cameron!" I scream as I run over to him sobbing. I kneel down beside him and check his pulse. It's there but a tad fainter than usual. I sit down and pull his head on my lap, still sobbing, and run my fingers through his knotted hair. "Stop!" My dad says seeing that Trinity and Sebastian are about to kill Makenna to save me. "Sebastian and Trinity, I know you both love your sister but go sit down. Makenna, why?"

Why do you think she has been doing this?
What will happen to Serenity?
Will Cameron wake up?
Anyways who likes pll??? Well I was watching pll earlier and the commercial for mocking jay part 1 dvd came on and I was totally freaking out (like the total fangirl I am.) and my dad was looking at me like I belonged in radley.(only pll fans will get it.) THEN like maybe 5-10 minutes later the insurgent trailer comes on and I was laying on the couch stretching. Well anyways I sat up as fast as I could to watch it and OMG Four is soooooooooo hot💦💦

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