Chapter Thirty-Five: Hazy Treachery

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'I see. So the spies came from her.' Oshita thought as she observed the scene.

Wakuno approached the emperor. She then glanced at Oshita's bloodied state. Wakuno sniffed the scent of her blood then turned to Ragakii. "A changeling with human blood. Is this the pitiful being that you found so intriguing?"

"Yes, Wakuno. I wouldn't call her pitiful however." he spoke.

"You're an emperor who doesn't know to keep order. You only are interested in your own desires and you don't know how to keep the lower classes in their place." Wakuno said.

"Is that so? So who do you suppose would be a better replacement for me?" Ragakii questioned.

"I am." Wakuno said as she looked at Ragakii.

Ragakii started to chuckle, then started to laugh. "What do you find so hilarious, Ragakii?" she questioned.

"Nothing, Wakuno. I just found your statement to be utterly amusing! You are an entertaining individual, but that won't stop me from doing what's necessary." Ragakii said.

"I shall become empress and maintain order in this empire. I will keep the lower classes in check as I will provide luxury to the high-classes and serve the middle-classes well for their service." she spoke. "I'll start by getting rid of you."

"Amuse me then, Wakuno." he spoke.

Wakuno then changed into her Changelix form and prepared to fight against Ragakii. "Won't you change into your Changelix form?"

"That won't be necessary." he grinned.

'So she waited until Ragakii and the other council members were weakened to strike.' Oshita thought. 'She used us in order as a distraction and to weaken Ragakii.'

Wakuno lunged at Ragakii, with an energy focused palm. The emperor simply blocked her attack with an energy focused arm. He then countered with a quick jab to her abdomen.

Wakuno felt the impact of his attack but held her ground. She then formed multiple projectiles with her own energy and aimed them at Ragakii.

The emperor had either dodged or blocked the projectiles by focusing energy into his arms. Wakuno then started to form a long piece of silk made out of her energy and threw it at Ragakii.

Ragakii jumped back but his foot was still caught in the explosion. Instead of retreating, he lunged towards Wakuno with a grin plastered on his face.

The council member then lunged towards him with an energy focused fist. On the other end, Ragakii prepared a hand infused with his energy.

They were both able to strike each other and landed on the ground behind each other. Wakuno was hit with an attack, but was still confident in her chances of victory.

"Your injuries aren't looking too good." she spoke, trying to unsettle the emperor.

The emperor let out a loud laugh as more blood trickled from his wound. "It only makes this battle even more exciting."

Wakuno quickly formed a moderate sized projectile in her hand and threw it at Ragakii. The emperor sniffed the energy coming from behind him and ducked under the projectile. He then went to jump from the ground and threw a raw punch at Wakuno.

The council member was caught off guard as she was hit in the face. The emperor then grabbed ahold of her neck and started choking her. The emperor then moved his hand higher in order to lift her body higher.

Wakuno looked at him with a despicable expression. She then started to form silk made out of her energy and threw it around her and Ragakii. "I'll injure myself if it means taking you down!"

The silk exploded around them. However, Ragakii kept his iron grip on her throat. Wakuno attempted to free from his grasp by focusing energy into her hands and attempting to cut his wrist off.

Ragakii focused energy in his own wrist in order to minimize the damage he would take from her attacks. Wakuno was only able to inflict shallow wounds into his wrist. "Amusing but predictable." he commented. "However, the title of emperor belongs to me. This intriguing empire is mine. I wouldn't mind losing to someone worthy and amusing and them taking my title. But, you're unfortunately unfit for that Wakuno."

The emperor gave her one last condescending grin. "D-Damn you, Ragakii."

"Even if you are amusing, you'll need to die however as you're a threat to my empire." Ragakii spoke.

Ragakii then swiftly chopped Wakuno's head with his energy focused hand. Her head flew off and landed on the ground, blood spluttering from her headless neck. Ragakii let go of her corpse and dropped her on the ground.

Every high-class and middle-class changeling that had worked under Wakuno had looked at the council member's decapitated lifeless head on the ground.

Without their leader, they knew they stood no chance against the empire. Wakuno's subordinates had surrendered while the others persisted in fighting to the end.

Oshita stared at Wakuno's headless corpse. 'He could've had easily killed me if he wanted to.' she thought.

Ragakii then turned his head to look at Oshita and glanced at the rest of her weakened allies. "Capture them." he commanded the council with a grin on his face.

'I see then.' Oshita thought as her fingertips were doused with more of her own blood.

Oshita had also seen her other allies being picked up and carried by the members of the council. She was then picked up by Meiyo. Meiyo simply stared at her and did not show her any personal opinion towards her by keeping her face neutral.

Blood dripped from Oshita's wounds. She started to feel weak as she began to drift to unconsciousness. She tried her best to stay awake but her motivation started to slip from her mind as she lost any source of confidence and hope.

She saw from the corner of her eye that Hiriari and Wakuno's force was still fighting against the soldiers of the empire.

'It's all my fault.' she thought.

'It's all my fault.' she repeated.

'It's all my fault.'

Eventually, she closed her tired eyes and drifted into unconsciousness.

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