Chapter Fourty-Four: Return of the Moon

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"I see." Ataeru spoke. "That is something worthy to fight for. Good friends.. are to be cherished."

"I don't understand why they're targeting gishi and magicas specifically. And what about if other people who aren't involved in the Banresu see what's happening? Or what if they get attacked?" Rakuken asked.

"So far, the gishi and magicas are fighting them off so they can protect the humans in the area. It haven't seen any fallen attack a human, but we can't be sure if regular humans are safe. Kireina seems to not care about the appearance of the Banresu to regular humans." Ataeru spoke. "She's.. breaking the regulations of the Banresu."

"I see. But what if it isn't Kireina who's behind this?" Rakuken asked.

"That would be hard to believe. Only she can control the fallens to act like this. Unless there was someone else of higher power doing this. But I highly doubt that." the fallen spoke.

"You wanted to form an alliance, didn't you?" Oshita asked.

"Yes." Ataeru spoke.

"We should start by convincing people to join us then. Is there anyone you know that we might be able to convince?" Oshita asked.

"..I have three trustworthy gishi friends who are very capable. I haven't seen them in a while but I believe I know where they are." Ataeru said.

"We should also try to get Uro and other magicas on our side." Oshita spoke.

"Why not try to get gishi as well?" Rakuken asked.

"Some gishi might be on Kireina's side as some of them are loyal to the angels. We shouldn't attempt to risk our motives being revealed." Oshita spoke. "Ataeru, I assume Kireina is in the angel dimension. Are you able to form a portal there after we've gathered multiple allies?"

"No, unfortunately." she spoke. "But there's a possibility that some of my friends may know how to form the portal to the angel dimension."

Oshita turned Rakuken. "Not me either, sorry." Rakuken said.

"I suppose we have to rely on Ataeru's friends or we improvise by finding someone else." Oshita spoke. "However, we should prioritize gathering allies before that first."

"Alright, before we start our objective, may I ask the names of you three?" Ataeru asked.


"I'm Rakuken!"

"I'm Shizen."

"I see, it's a pleasure meeting you three." she spoke.

The three of them nodded. "Before we try to find allies. I suggest that we should be paired up to either find Ataeru's friends or Uro." Oshita spoke.

Everyone looked at Oshita. "Shizen and I will try to find Uro, while Ataeru and Rakuken find Ataeru's friends. Is that satisfactory to everyone?"

All of them nodded in agreement. "We shall be off then, Rakuken." Ataeru spoke as she turned to the crimson-haired gishi.

Ataeru's horns and wings then disappeared from her appearance. "I've always wondered how fallens or angels are able to hide their wings and halos or horns. Could you tell me?" Rakuken asked.

"Well, I suppose it's a removal of energy. Usually I remove my horns and wings when I need to conserve ans hide my energy. However, when fallens remove their horns and wings, they can't use their abilities to the fullest. Mostly removing your horns and wings can help disguise yourself among humans." Ataeru spoke.

'So Yuruso wasn't even using his abilities to the fullest and he simply abandoned us.' Shizen thought. 'Damn it.'

"Where shall we meet up once we've achieved our objectives?" Ataeru asked.

Oshita looked around and finally decided on a location. "The forest."

"Alright, see you guys at the forest." Shizen said.

The four of them nodded at each other before running to find allies for their alliance.

Oshita and Shizen started towards the streets of the city. "Any idea where to find her?" she asked.

"I don't know exactly where she is. But since she's a magica, she should be around her. But, I think we'll have to rely on your nose in order to find her." Shizen said.

"I see." Oshita spoke as she started smell her surroundings in order to find Uro.

Shizen attempted to sense Uro's energy using Shingu himself. They kept running throughout the streets of the city, sensing multiple magica and gishi energies fending off fallens.

They ran, attempting to find Uro. They took multiple turns through streets and alleyways until they had finally found her fighting off a fallen.

Oshita and Shizen then saw Uro quickly finishing off the fallen with dark magic. Uro then sensed their energies nearby and turned to look at them.

Shizen then started to walk to Uro before Oshita stopped him. "We're not sure if these fallen attacks are because of the angels. Inform her on what Ataeru said, but make sure to include the fact that it's only hypothetical." she spoke.

"Yeah alright then." he spoke as he continued walking towards Uro.

"What are you two doing here?" Uro asked.

"Well, we've come here to find you. Since you're the only magica we know and because we have some information to tell you." Shizen said.

"What type of information?" she asked.

"A possible reason why these fallen attacks are happening." he said.

Uro then brought her full attention to Shizen. "We encountered a fallen named Ataeru and she told us that the one behind is Kireina, who's the ruler of the angels. She doesn't exactly know the motives on why that angel ruler would do this, but she assumes that Kireina has a plan." he said.

"How can she be so sure that it's the ruler of the angels?" Uro asked.

"Ataeru says that Kireina is the only one who can control the fallens and make them act like this. She even claimed to be a Tenkai member before she was framed by Kireina for murder." Shizen spoke.

"How can you be so sure that she's a former Tenkari member?" she asked.

"Well, she was wearing a Tenkari uniform. Except that it was damaged and ripped." he said. "Ataeru wants to gather up a force strong enough to fight against Kireina. So, we thought that we would ask you and other magicas."

"I see. This is definitely a problem. These fallens have no regard of being seen by other humans or even attacking them. If the ruler of the angels is the one behind this, then we must fight against her." she spoke. "Even if Kireina isn't our true enemy, we should still gather an alliance so we have a force against whoever did this."

'When I told my report to Mother Nature about Yuruso's betrayal, we had assumed that it a simple betrayal of a fallen wanting to be free. We never really considered the fact that the angels would be a factor of his betrayal. But now, the possibility of the angels being involved would make sense with what Ataeru told them.' Uro thought.

Suddenly, two fallens had attacked Uro. Uro then quickly transformed into her magica form and quickly took the two fallens down using two Senrugi attacks. "My Shingu isn't that good, so I can't hide my energy well so a lot of fallens are able to find me. That's why I'm tasked to fight fallens in empty areas so other humans won't interfere or be endangered by fallens." she sighed. "Most of these fallens aren't too hard to take down, but they're still problematic."

Uro then turned to look at Oshita and Shizen once again. "Where's Rakuken, by the way?"

"She's with Ataeru searching for potential allies." Oshita spoke.

"I see. I think we should inform Mother Nature about this. But before we go to Mahosekai to tell her, I think I should teach you how enter into Mahosekai first Shizen." Uro spoke.

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