Chapter Fifty-Two: Proposal In Stone Walls

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The six looked the supposed lord of Toketsu. "We're here to make an alliance with the corruptas against the angels." Rakuken spoke. "So since you're the ruler, we thought we should ask you."

"I see." he spoke. "I am known as Tsumetai and as you presumed- I am the ruler of Toketsu. But I must question how you were able to access this dimension."

"I developed a hypothesis and made a portal accordingly." Oshita answered.

"Interesting. Anyways, you said that you wanted to form an alliance with the corruptas against the angels. All of you seem to have diverse race, so I wonder how the angels affected you." Tsumetai spoke.

"It's not a matter of personal issues. They're breaking the laws of the Banresu. The magicas have also joined our alliance because of that." Ataeru spoke.

"..So what would be your compensation in return for joining your alliance? You don't expect for us corruptas to fight for free." Tsumetai spoke.

"Freedom from this wretched dimension of yours." Oshita answered.

Oshita's statement piqued Tsumetai's interest. "..Since you six have come to this dimension, that promise is most likely to be fulfilled once we corruptas filled our end of the bargain. Toketsu is quite a grueling place and I wish to be freed from here. And fighting those angels would have a satisfying feeling." he said. "But I do request one requirement."

"And what would that be?" Vules questioned.

"I haven't seen any of you engage in combat, so you haven't gained my respect yet. So I would like you to show your capabilities to me by battling with me." Tsumetai said.

"We can agree to no killing or inflicting any fatal injuries, right?" Rakuken asked.

"Yes, I can go along with that. It's the six of you against me alone." Tsumetai said. "Before we battle, I would like to know your names."

"Oshita Henka."

"Rakuken Saino."

"Shizen Izado."

"Ataeru Kandai."

"Uro Okami."

"Vules Daizi."

Tsumetai then stood up from his stone throne. "Pleasure to meet you six."

The Toketsu ruler then quickly charged at Ataeru, landing a quick sucker punch on her face. Ataeru was caught off guard but held her ground.

Rakuken then went to fire a Senrugi beam at Tsumetai- which the ruler easily dodged. Uro then went to form an orb of dark magic before throwing it at Tsumetai. Both Vules and Shizen formed multiple projectiles made up of their energy and aimed it at the ruler.

Oshita then went to lunge towards the ruler with an energy focused palm- attempting to jab him. Tsumetai quickly went to look at all of the attacks that were being thrown at him. He then quickly dodged them with agility and precision; as there was no detection of incisions on him or his clothing.

'Even with our strength combined, he's still a ruler. We shouldn't underestimate him. He also has the most pairs of horns than any corrupta previously. The additional spikes on his larger horns might also represent his strength as well.' Oshita thought.

Tsumetai then went to land a hard punch into Shizen's abdomen. The impact of his attack was able to throw Shizen back a bit, but the magica went to counter by forming vines to trap Tsumetai within his range.

He then focused energy into his fist and went to deliver a punch towards Tsumetai. The corrupta ruler then went quickly cut the vines trapping him before dodging Shizen's punch.

'Damn!' Shizen cursed.

Oshita and Vules then went after Tsumetai, attempting to land a single hit onto him. Oshita and Vules both attempted to land a punch onto him but the ruler simply dodged their attack. 'We'll need to coordinate together if we want a chance in making the odds tip slightly in our favor.' Oshita thought.

Uro attempted to throw an orb of dark magic towards Tsumetai while Rakuken went to form a projectile of gigantic size that consisted a lot of her energy. Rakuken then went to throw it at Tsumetai.

Tsumetai was able dodge the orb that Uro had thrown at him. However, he was scathed in the back with Rakuken's projectile.

Ataeru then jumped and made her wings appear onto her back. She then used her advantage of flight to aim multiple projectiles at Tsumetai before making her wings disappear and falling down.

She landed gracefully on the ground as she was able to hit Tsumetai with most of her projectiles. Everyone else then charged towards Tsumetai and focused energy into their hand in preparation for a Yugeki attack.

"I commend you all, you have my respect." Tsumetai spoke.

Everyone then stopped their attack. "It's been a while since I've enjoyed a good battle like that- especially with people of your strength." he spoke. "I agree to your alliance. I wonder how you'll execute a plan to defeat the angels."

"We won't discuss about our strategy yet. We also need the magicas to collaborate on it." Oshita spoke. "I've also heard from a corrupta that we should also get the ruler of Kazonoi on our side besides you. Do you know how to get there?"

"You want Sikoynai's assistance? I suppose that makes sense if you want the force of all the corruptas." Tsumetai said. "But Kazonoi corruptas are more impulsive compared to us- so they might be.. bothersome to deal with."

"So, are you willing to let us into Kazonoi?" Oshita asked.

"Kina, come out." Tsumetai called.

A corrupta then revealed themselves from behind Tsumetai's stone throne. She had strands of cyan hair with olive green eyes. She had three pairs of horns on her head. Her clothing consisted of an tattered olive green shirt, slightly ripped leggings; one being black and one being striped, and black boots.

"Yes, my Lord Tsumetai." she spoke.

"Kina, I want you to accompany these six to Kazonoi and help them convince Sikoynai to join their side." Tsumetai commanded.

She nodded before walking closer to the group. "I am Kina Kosen, the current bounder of the corruptas. Good to meet you all." she introduced.

'She's a bounder like Gagami. Judging from the quantity from her horns, her strength must be formidable to face against.' Oshita observed. 'She also the power of her balancer beast which adds onto her power.'

Tsumetai then went to introduce the six to Kina before turning to talk to them again. "Once Kina makes her portal to Kazonoi, you'll be teleported nearby Sikoynai's tower so you won't have to endure that hellish environment. While you're absent, I will gather up the corruptas in Toketsu to prepare a force for us."

The six nodded in response to his statement. "Alright, then we'll wait an hour for you to gather up your forces. Then we'll come back to you to transport the corruptas to Mahosekai- so we can start making a strategy with the magicas." Oshita spoke.

Tsumetai nodded.

Kina then started forming the portal to Kazonoi. 'So these two different worlds also require a portal to get into.' Oshita observed.

Once Kina had completed the formation of the portal to Kazonoi, the six walked into it.

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