Chapter Five: Barks of the Sunrise

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When the sun rose, the morning appeared along with it. The bright rays from the Sun woke Oshita, her eyelids opening slowly. She had slept in the forest along with the three of them. They slept on tree barks as they looked serene and peaceful. 'I'll be there to save you mother. I just need to be more capable in combat.' she thought.

She looked up at the morning sky. 'I know I can't save you without them. So I must rely on them for the time being.'

Oshita got up from the grass and started training herself. Rakuken had taught her many things from the day before and she had planned to hone these skills and use them to her advantage. 'After this, I return back on what my life was before.'

Oshita started to focus energy in different limbs. Instead of cutting trees, she had used her energy concentrated foot to trim the grass. She then observed that not all the grass blades were in different lengths.

'Why does that keep happen? Is there something wrong with my energy? There must be or all these grass blades should be cut in the same length.' Oshita analyzed. 'I asked Rakuken yesterday and she didn't seem to know why this keeps happening.'

Oshita then began testing out her Senrugi. 'Level Three: Dangan.'

Oshita started to form energy based projectiles and aimed them at a rock, she had launched them and they had destroyed the rock. However, there was a large remnant of the rock left behind. 'My Senrugi is less proficient than my Yugeki. The projectiles were small compared to what Rakuken demonstrated.'

Oshita looked at her right hand. 'I'll need to rely on physical combat mostly. I suppose if I keep on training, my Yugeki and Senrugi will eventually improve.' Oshita thought. 'But that requires time and I don't have enough to expend at the moment. And I don't have time for school either.'

Oshita sighed. She tried not to stress out but it was quite difficult to do so. She regained her composure and continued to train by herself. 'The other three are extremely essential. They have more experience and they'll be able to have more capability in combat.'

Eventually, pair of eyelids had opened slowly, revealing grey irises. Yuruso was able to wake up from the increase of energy use around him. He slowly stood up from his sitting position and leaned on the tree behind him. He observed on how Oshita trained compared to the others. 'Inexperienced, but she can turn out to be highly capable.'

Yuruso was able to increase his sensing range to eight kilometers while Rakuken was able to increase her's to seven and half kilometers. It was progress, but it might not be enough to sense Gagami.

Yuruso had heard from Shizen that there was a high possibility that they had to fight a bounder. The possible bounder's identity was a young girl named Gagami Toruso who happened to be the vice president of Seikosaki City High School. 'If this bounder had the audacity to attend a human school, then I already know that she's incompetent.'

Eventually, Rakuken and Shizen had woken up, their eyelids heavy from their slumber. Rakuken quickly got up from the grass. "I think we can try detecting Gagami!" she said optimistically.

"We just woke up Rakuken, calm down..." Shizen said groggily.

"I agree, we shouldn't be charging in impulsively." Yuruso said.

"I guess you guys are right." Rakuken agreed.

Oshita only merely nodded in response. Rakuken then looked at Oshita. "What was your sensing range again Oshita?"

"Four kilometers." she answered.

"Shizen?" Rakuken asked.

"Five kilometers." he said.

"Looks like we mostly have to rely on my Shingu and Yuruso's Shingu." Rakuken remarked.

"It seems that way. I suggest we rest for a short period and try to detect the troublesome bounder." Yuruso suggested.

Everyone else nodded in agreement. They both leaned onto a tree. "I have a question." Yuruso stated.

"Yeah?" Rakuken responded.

"Why would this bounder, Gagami jeopardize themselves? If she harms a human without authorization, then she'll get punished. If she would be willing to go this far, then she expresses deep hatred for Oshita.

Also, why couldn't either of you two sense Oshita's energy before this incident if you attend the same school? I'm also curious about on how Oshita has human and changeling blood."  Yuruso questioned.

Shizen shrugged his shoulders. "Oshita said that she wasn't aware of any of the four combat classifications. I can tell she was really confused as well, so she wasn't faking her ignorance. And to be honest, I think Oshita's biological parents have something to do with her unique blood. I believe she doesn't know her real parents either."

"I see then." Yuruso said. "That leaves us with many questions."

"I think we've rested enough." Oshita spoke.

"I agree, let's just get this over with." Shizen said.

The four of them leaned off their tree and stared at each other.

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