Chapter Sixty-Seven: Sudden Arrival

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Sikoynai then felt Shiva's fist plunge through her chest. The Kazonoi ruler was taken aback by her attack. Shiva then took the opportunity to stab her chest using an energy focused hand.

Sikoynai then fell onto the ground, blood spilling out from her wound. Shiva pulled her hand out of her chest while she stared down at her with her gaze. 'Fire doesn't work on her- so it's impossible to deal any real damage.' Sikoynai thought. 'On top of that, the previous battles have worn me out.'

The corrupta ruler collapsed onto ground, unable to move due to exhaustion. On the other hand, Tsumetai was pierced through the abdomen from Vishu's projectile.

Like Sikoynai, he too had fallen from exhaustion. Everyone in the group had been defeated by the shapeshifter generals. Shiva and Vishnu then walked towards Brahma. "I see that the both have finished. Good work." Brahma spoke.

"They weren't too hard to defeat." Shiva spoke.

"Agreed." Vishnu spoke. "But that's to be expected of a group that had to fight multiple people in a row. Their weakened state made things easier."

"Well, all we have to do is to kill everyone- now that they can't do anything." Brahma spoke before turning to look at Oshita's collapsed state. "Starting with this one."

The shapeshifter general then formed a blade of energy onto his fingertips. Oshita was too tired to try and defend herself. Brahma then prepared to stab her with his blade of energy.

However, a Senrugi beam was shot right in front of him from the side. Brahma then stopped his attack before turning his head to the direction where the attack came from.

"That scent." Brahma spoke as he sniffed a familiar scent. "A changeling..?"

A familiar changeling then was then seen from walking up from the staircase. It was a council member from the Council of Change; Kigai Azamuku.

"What's a changeling doing here?" Brahma questioned.

"I'm only following the emperor's orders." Kigai responded.

'The changelings..? They're here..?' Oshita thought as she slightly lifted her head to look up.

Then multiple people started walking up from the stairs to the floor they were in. They appeared as angels, but they quickly changed back to their original appearance- revealing the fact that they were all changelings.

Oshita saw that Hiriari was present along with the low-classes who had participated in the rebellion. The rest of the council members were present as well along with other high and middle-classes.

She then saw the emperor, Ragakii. His dark turquoise gaze met with Brahma's and other generals. He grinned at them.

"I want.." the emperor spoke before looking at the changelings. "..All of you to take down the shapeshifters here!"

The other changelings immediately sprung into action, assisting the magicas and corruptas who were fighting. Brahma looked at Ragakii. "Why are you and the changelings here!?"

"To quench my boredom." Ragakii spoke. "And to save the no-class from death. I don't want something that intrigues me to die. The low-classes are quite fond of her so they won't bother giving you shapeshifters mercy."

"You're here to wipe out all of us, aren't you?" Brahma questioned.

"Don't be so worried, shapeshifter general. I'm only interested in fighting Zankai and the angel ruler." the emperor said.

"You want to fight with King Zankai? Well, you'll have to get past me!" Brahma shouted before lunging towards Ragakii.

Meiyo then stopped Brahma by jabbing him in the abdomen. Brahma was taken aback and looked at Meiyo. "Damned changelings.."

Oshita, Rakuken, Shizen, Ataeru, Fugai, Sikoynai, and Tsumetai were then being carried by changelings. They went to set them down to lean against the wall.

"..I don't understand." Fugai spoke. "Why are they helping us?"

Ataeru and the corrupta rulers were also in a great deal of confusion. "Well, the emperor and the low-class changelings like Oshita." Rakuken said.

"What did she exactly do..?" Ataeru asked.

"She helped the low-classes with their rebellion. About the emperor, I'm not so sure- but he seems to be fond of her." Rakuken said.

"I see.." Ataeru spoke.

"Well, as long as they're helping us- I don't care who they are." Sikoynai said.

Ragakii then started walking towards Oshita. Oshita then went to look up at him. "You should change back, no-class. You won't do well if you try to maintain your changed appearance in your state."

'I suppose he's right. My energy wavelength might blend in with the rest of the changelings' energy wavelength.' Oshita thought. 'I'll change back once I have the energy.'

She then reverted back to her original appearance. "You've gathered up quite the alliance, how interesting." he spoke.

"How did you know that I was here?" Oshita asked.

"A lot of changelings go out to the human world to hunt humans. When one of them came back, they told me about the fallen attacks." he spoke. "Then I sent my messenger to check with that magica that you live with. When she told us that you didn't inform her about your whereabouts, I assumed you went along into the angel dimension to try stopping the fallens with your friends."

"So how did you get here?" Oshita asked.

"We got a gishi to open a portal for us in exchange for his life." he said nonchalantly.

"I'm assuming that you arrived later than us." Oshita said.

"Right." he grinned.

Oshita then looked on the floor. "Is my biological mother doing well?"

"Oushi is safe as always. I wouldn't let her die- afterall, you promised me a rematch." he said.

"I see." she spoke.

They then saw the council members fighting off the shapeshifter generals. Oshita then saw a new member. He had grey hair and cobalt eyes.

She then saw energy seeping out of him. The energy formed into a beast-like structure before taking physical form. The beast had white fur with indigo fur on some areas. They had two pairs of thin horns and large white wings. They had two lavender tails and black talons.

'So they used a bounder to replace Wakuno.' Oshita observed.

The group spectated the multiple battles going in front of them, using the time they had now to rest.

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