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[ chapter 1 ]

august 12
6:30 a.m
boca raton, florida


My head was pounding, it felt as if my own brain was begging to escape. My mind was swirling and I couldn't tell if what I was looking at was pearly gates or a picket fence. Was I dead? Did I finally succeed in yet another suicide attempt? Or did my past come back for vengeance?

All my obscene attempts at rationalization were interrupted by a brutal scream for help. My head whipped to the side and my blurry line of vision made out a silhouette. There was another person, seemingly in pain. I winced as I heard a crack and another cry.

"Shut the fuck up!" A menacing, deep voice boomed; almost rattling the prisoner-like bars I now could make out. I was surrounded. I was in a cell. I then notice I'm also laid flat on hard, dusty concrete. The smell reminded me of an old basement or slowly molding garage. Wet wood.

The whimpers fell silent and a bar clanked. I then heard footsteps get closer and closer to me. My heart dropped and I felt myself already begin to shake. My breath hitched and I attempted to reach up to rub my eyes.

I was stopped short fairly quickly by rough metal scrapping my wrists. My jaw clenched in pain and I attempted plan B, squeezing my eyes shut and then shaking my head to see if it would rid the blurriness.

"You're awake." The same bitter voice was now much closer - right in front of me. I could make out his long black dress shoes mere inches away from me. "Look at me." He demanded with venom laced in his every word. I slowly looked up, now able to make out more. I was slowly gaining my eyesight back.

"I've been waiting for you a long time, Y/l/n." He spoke with a sinister smile. I couldn't help but internally grimace. This man was poorly groomed, I can smell the musty scent he gave off already and his teeth were a bright yellow - some missing and some crooked. His eyes were big and emotionless. It was a traumatizing sight to say the least.

"I can just hear your simple parents about losing their minds. Finally." He chuckled to himself. I tucked my legs closer to my chest; feeling vulnerable to the disturbing man in front of me.

Without warning, my neck is grabbed and I'm pulled closer to his face. I nearly gagged, but I held it back in order to keep myself from getting in deeper shit. I felt my airways close slowly and my jaw slack. Helpless attempts to gain some oxygen caused him to laugh in my face. The smell was overwhelming and I honestly felt like I was gonna throw up anytime soon now.

The man then drops me back to the ground. The restraints around my wrists hit the ground with an ear piercing sound. He kicks my ribcage without remorse, a rough grunt escaping my lips. I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of hearing me in pain.

This must've made him angrier, though, as he practically growls and sends two more powerful blows to the same area. I couldn't keep it inside; and a cry escapes my chapped lips. Luckily, he stops there and walks out. The bars slam as the gate closes and he locks it. I could tell already that the lock was loose, but still, there was no key or anything for that matter to pick it.

If I could even find something to get me out of these chains.

I bite the inside of my cheek, the area he abused throbbing and pulsating in pain. I turned to where I heard another guy scream earlier. I notice him looking right back at me; his peircing green eyes staring straight into mine. I almost looked down, but I caught him mouthing something to me.

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