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(i changed the date ariana moves to may 20th, it'll help me with the storyline and stuff)
(not proofread)
[ chapter 22 ]

april 6
7:45 p.m
boca raton, florida

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"Soo, where are we goin'?" Ariana asked for like the millionth time tonight. I chuckled and shook my head.

"Nowhere, really. Just driving around. Where do you want to go?" I asked, stopping at the red light and turning to look at her.

She gleamed her pearly white smile at me and shrugged.

"Anywhere. Show me the wonders of what I haven't visited yet." She turned back to the road and gestured to the now-green light.

"Ight, bet." I smirked and hit a quick U-turn, speeding down the basically empty road. I plugged in the aux to my phone and shuffled one of my playlists.

"Now playing, Never Be - by Y/n Y/l/n."

"HOLY SHIT! You have a song out?!" Ariana basically screamed into my ear. I laughed but shook my head, turning the volume up.

"It's not out, but it's recorded." I winked at her and then looked back at the road.

We were speeding down the hallway when it hit the chorus.

"What a vibe!" She smiled so brightly, sliding back my sunrise and then hitting a button to make the window part open.

"Can I?" She asked with a smirk. I shrugged, nodding.

She then unbuckled her seatbelt, placing her left knee on my middle section in my car and then slowly standing up so her head's out the car. I slowed down a bit so the wind didn't take her frail ass right out

we'll never be
as young as we are now
it's time to leave
this old black and white town

I smiled, glancing up every once and a while to see her wide, cheesy grin as she looked around.

"God, the sky is so beautiful." She yelled down at me. I laughed but nodded in agreement. "It is!" I exclaimed right back.

let's seize the day
let's run away
don't let the colors fade to grey
we'll never be as young as we are now

as young as we are now

As the song faded into the second verse, she slowly came back down to her seat. She put the window back up, slid then sunroof, and then buckled herself back in.

Her smile was so bright, I felt as though it shone the road up for me more than the street lights. Her eyes were lit up, hair a mess from the wind, and hands gripped her seatbelt tightly.

I chuckled and grabbed her left hand with my right, intertwining it and placing it on my middle compartment. She pecked my hand and nodded along to the rest of the song.

When we reached the lowkey nightclub, I parked in my usual secluded area and took the key out of the ignition. I grabbed my black leather jacket out the back and slipped it on.

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