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Previously on, "infatuation",

"Talk to me, girlfriend."


(not proofread)
[ chapter 10 ]

september 15
4:30 a.m
boca raton, florida

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And so I told her. Everything. To say she was shocked would be an understatement. Moreover, to say she was heartbroken and devastated would be, yet another, understatement.

"I'm-I'm so sorry Y/nn. I hate that you and Mac had to go through that - and alone too. And now, you're the only one left .. you're so strong." I closed my eyes to hold back my tears. She wasn't lying. It was a terrible situation but I survived; and I will continue to.

"It's okay, and thank you, you learn to cope and deal with shit - just like everybody else. I still have you, Bil, Z, and my supportive step parents to give me everything I've always needed." I smiled tightly. She smiled back, staring at me intensely. It almost made me shy under her intimidating stare.

"Look, I know we have school tomorrow but do you think I could come pick you up? I wanna show you something." I grinned.

"Uh, I'm not supposed to leave but I can always sneak out?" She suggested with a mischievous smirk.

"Ooh, living it up as a dangerous woman now, eh?" I smirked right back. She laughed and rolled her eyes playfully.

"Shut up and come get me. I'll be ready." We bid our temporary goodbyes and ended the call. I sighed, feeling much happier than I have just about all day.

I got up and took my phone off the charger. I changed into a black hoodie and some designer ripped black jeans. I slipped on some white shoes and a chain. I applied deodorant, sprayed some cologne, grabbed the USB with our song on it and walked out.

I snuck downstairs and outside as quiet as possible. I got in my car and pulled off to Ariana's house, who had sent me the address after we ended the call.

When I arrived, I sent her a text saying I was outside and turned the car off so it didn't attract unwanted attention.

good thing the car's all black, I thought.

"Hey girlfriend, you gonna let me in?" I heard through the window of the passenger seat. I chuckled and unlocked the door with a playful eye roll. She got in and I turned the car back on.

"Welcome to mi coche, Grande." (my car) She bit her lip to hold back her grin. "Spanish, hm? Can you say anything else?" I began route to my "secret" spot with a smirk.

"Creo que eres hermosa, mi amor." I smirked mischeviously. (I think you're beautiful, my love.)

"First off, I have no idea what you just said. Second off, when did you learn Spanish?" She asked with a smirk and a look I didn't recognize in her eyes.

"My birth mom used to talk to me in it. I'm not fluent, but I know some key words." I chuckled. "I think you're fucking ugly, that's what I said." Ariana gasped and hit my arm but not nearly hard enough to hurt me.

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