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(not proofread)
[ chapter 21 ]

april 6
4:30 p.m
boca raton, florida

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"Shit, thank you C." I breathed a sigh of relief as I flopped back on her bed. She did the same, chest rising and falling rapidly. My eyes fluttered and then I turned to look at the Cuban.

"Why the hell you breathin' so hard?" I laughed my ass off at the girl's flustered face. She sucked her teeth and rolled her eyes playfully.

"Fuck off," She spat jokingly, biting back a smile. I was still laughing and that's when she caved in, giggling a little but still rolling her eyes.

"I fucking hate you! Shut up!" She smacked my chest but it wasn't hard enough to hurt me. Tears were rolling down my cheeks at this point and I didn't even know why. The situation was just funny.

not really, but you get it

"I'm sorry, I-I'm sorry!" I took deep breaths, finally calming down from my laughing fit. Camila was smiling widely with rosy cheeks.

"You're so lucky I love you." She rolled her eyes for the umpteenth time today and nudged my shoulder.

"I know." I winked with the best charming smile I could give her. Her neck then turned red, along with the rest of her face. She looked away bashfully and waved me off.

"Please jump off a bridge." She retorted. I laughed and shook my head at brunette.

"I appreciate the help though, for real." I gave her a genuine smile, placing my math homework back in my backpack. She returned the smile as her face came back to her normal hue.

"Anytime Y/nn." Right as she said that, my phone binged. I kept my smile towards her, but it dropped instantly when I read the notification.

grande 🤍 - we need to talk.

"Y/n? Y/nn what's wrong?" Camila was quick to come to my shoulder. I closed out of my phone and whipped my head towards her.

I guess that was a bad idea because her face ended up right there as I turned. Our faces were barely inches away from each other and, unluckily, my lips brushed against hers.

We immediately jumped back, staring at each other with widened, mortified eyes.

"Shit." "I'm so sorry Y/n!"

We said at the same time. I sighed and stuffed my face into my palms. Her hand wearily was placed on my back, rubbing it slowly and soothingly.

"I'm so fucking sorry I didn't mean to do that-"

"No, no it's not your fault, Cam. I-I should've been more careful." I shook my head. My mind had already been twisting and turning from my
girlfriend's message, and now it was doing backflips.

I was getting dizzy. Fast.

"Camila, I think I'm gonna pass out." I spoke, gripping her thigh for support as it was right there. I felt as the goosebumps formed and she leaned in so that I could just barely feel her breath on my shoulder.

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