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(not proofread so sorry if there's mistakes)

[ chapter 3 ]

august 12
5:00 p.m
boca raton, florida



"Hey Zayn, I gotta go. Thank you for.." He trails off right as our eyes connect. His own dark eyes then harden into a glare.

"You.." I saw his jaw clench.



"You son of a-" "Hey, hey! No, no, no, no, no. Pete, what you're not about to do is fight with my best friend. Please escort yourself the fuck out of my house." Zayn cuts in to my defense, standing beside me with a hard glare on his face. 

Pete's phone goes off and he glances at it. With a huff, he looks back at us. "Whatever." He then looks only at me. "You're lucky as hell, Y/l/n." He then walks out without another word. I chuckle. 

"What does he not like you for?" Billie interrupts the uncomfortable silence with furrowed eyebrows. I shrug. "Don't know. I'm always blamed for shit, so there's gotta be something." I flop down beside her and grab a lighter that's sitting on his table. 

"C'mon, where da weed at?"


Yesterday was.. eventful to say the least. From Ariana trying to talk to me and the altercation with Pete. I don't even know what he's mad for. 

Anyways, I'm currently leaving Math with Billie to go to lunch. We were chatting up nonchalantly while walking to Zayn's class when suddenly I'm pulled away and slammed up against some random lockers. 

I gasp in surprise, looking up to see Pete's dumbass in front of me with a pissed expression. "Not you again." I roll my eyes. His jaw clenches.

"Why do you keep hurting my girlfriend, Y/n?" He asks kind of calmly even though he's clearly not. I understand he's trying to be menacing or scare me in some sort, but it's definitely not working. 

"And who the hell is your girlfriend?" I ask back, just as calm. I'm really not worried about this fool. What's he gonna do, bite me? My ankles to be specific?

"Ariana." My eyes widen and my jaw drops. She went from Mac to this motherfucker? Really? 

Pete's nasty ass smirk at my reaction only fueled my anger. Did she leave Mac for him? Is this a rebound? How long have they even been together. What the fuck is happening?

"What? Cat got your tongue? Look faggot, you're not the only one hurting. She loved him and you're only making things worse." My teeth grit and a bitter chuckle escapes my lips. This kid has no clue what he's even talking about. 

"Bro, do you even know what you're talking about. Fuck you. Stay out of our business-" He slams me against the lockers again. This time it causes a bit of a commotion and people start to crowd around. 

Where did Billie go?

"It's my business now, bitch." I mentally sigh. I don't wanna be suspended on the second damn day of school. 

"Look, it's really not. I don't even know you, and you don't know shit. Let me go and walk away." I try to reason. He wasn't having it, though, as he shakes his head and his grip on my shirt gets tighter. "Hell nah, I'mma show you what happens to pieces of shit like you." Before I could think, he sends a blow to my gut. 

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