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Previously on, 'infatuation' ..

My vision blurs, the last thing I see before the darkness takes over is Pete sloppily running out of the ring.



(not proofread)
[ chapter 23 ]

april 7
12:00 a.m
boca raton, florida

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My eyes snapped open, screaming and loud footsteps were still surrounding me. My head was pounding and my vision was blurry. It took several blinks to clear it up even a little bit.

"Y/N!" A familiar voice screamed. I picked my head up to see my girlfriend and the bodyguard I assigned for her rushing towards me.

"Shit, baby, fuck who did this?" She seemed much more sober, Uriel helping me up. Ariana reached for the knife still impaled in my thigh but I immediately stopped her.

"You take this out, I bleed out." I warned her, giving her a very serious look. She nodded, retreating her hand.

"What happened, boss?" Uriel asked as he helped us run out of the underground. I had Ariana gripping my hand tightly, slightly in front of me because I needed to see her. I don't care what happens to me, I'm making sure nothing happens to her.

"P-Pete." I rolled my eyes at the memory. I must've passed out in shock but only for a few seconds. The police had only just barely rushed in by the time we were out.

Ariana directed Uriel and I to my car, where I was carefully placed in the backseat with the Italian. I handed Uriel my keys and he jumped in the drivers.

"Go to Zayn's house." I told him, however the brunette beside me was quick to disagree.

"What the fuck? No! Take her to the hospital!" I placed my hand on my girlfriend's.

"Moonlight, Zayn's father is a doctor. If we go to the hospital, they'll ask questions we won't know the answer for. We can't say we were there, otherwise we're all going to prison the second they fix me up. Trust me." She was hesitant, but nodded.

Uriel looked at me through the rear-view mirror. I pulled my phone out with shaky hands and went to my GPS, clicking on Zayn's saved address. I placed it on the middle compartment. "There." We were already driving away, so he took a left turn and began route.

I was sat up straight behind the passenger's seat. Ariana was beside me in the middle.

"Does it hurt?" She asked, looking extremely concerned. I winced, turning my leg so she could see the slit in my jeans and my skin, right before my ankle.

"That hurts like a bitch." I sighed, changing positions to relieve the pain a little.

"But the stab wound," I pointed to my thigh. "I can't feel. When this adrenaline goes away though, I'm afraid I'll be crying like a baby." I chuckled lightly, attempting to lighten Ariana's very clear down mood.

She cracked a small smile, worry swirling in those doe brown orbs. I couldn't help but admire her, even in a time like this. Her once sleek, well-put-together ponytail was slightly lopsided with some loose hairs flying around. Her makeup was still beautiful, even if her dropped tears were making it smudge and fade.

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