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(not proofread)
[ chapter 17 ]

february 15
8:00 a.m
miami, florida

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The bright sun of Miami is what awoke me the morning after Valentine's day. I could hear the cleaners I hired still doing their job downstairs. As I was about to sit up, I remembered the light weight still laid flat on my chest.

Her hair was sprawled across my body and slightly on the pillow. I noticed her lack of clothing. It wasn't hard to forget last night. It was honestly unforgettable.

just like the woman on top of me.

I know it's unlike me to say this, especially with my reputation but it was deeper than just fucking her. If you want to call it "making love", than that's you. But I really just feel like it was more than even that. It was passionate, but damn was she good.

I shivered at the thought, quick to bring myself down before another part of me began to rise.

I heard the door shut, and that's when I remembered where I was, and what time it is. Sighing, I carefully slid from under the beautiful Italian and got out of bed successfully without waking her up.

thank God.

I quickly threw my previous boxers and sports bra, along with the more formal clothes of last night into the hamper. I opened one of my drawers and grabbed a new pair of undergarments before slipping them on along with a pair of grey sweatpants and a black tank top.

As I left the room to enter the kitchen of my parents' beach house I quickly noticed how well they picked everything up and cleaned. The floor was spotless, glasses put away, roses in a vase and the petals that were spread across the top and bottom floors were completely picked up.

I smiled in appreciation and approval. I walked into the kitchen and immediately got to work on making breakfast. I made scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, pancakes, and I even made a Vegan snack for her to try since she's actually seriously considering doing the plant-based dietary plan. Might as well start early.

The regular breakfast options were easy to make and I finished them in no time. I decided on making her these fucking amazing looking peanut butter cookies, and then I made an apple cinnamon muffin and put it in a mug just for the hell of it.

Shit looked good and I was not planning on being vegan. After everything was finished I made sure it was all hot before grabbing a platter. I poured some orange juice for Ariana and some blue Hawaiian Punch for me and set it on the platter as well.

I made us both a plate of the normal stuff and set a plate of cookies to the side. I grabbed her muffin mug and placed it next to her breakfast plate as well.

One thing i learned these almost 2 months of officially dating and technically years of friendship, this girl can eat.

As careful as possible, I was able to bring the full tray up the stairs and into the bedroom Ariana and I were sharing. I glanced at the time on my phone once I set the tray down on the bedside table.

10:00 a.m


I closed the blinds a bit so she wasn't blinded like I was when I woke up. Then, I slowly sat on her side of the bed where she was - still - sleeping peacefully.

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