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(not proofread)
[ chapter 15 ]

december 4
1:45 p.m
boca raton, florida

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It's been a little over a month. A MONTH, of hiding away Ariana and I's 'relationship'. We've been talking for 2 months now, 4 dates deep and she still isn't ready. I know I said I'm willing to wait, but damn it sucks to be so lowkey all the time.

I don't want to rush her at all. Not even a little bit. She means everything to me and the last thing I wanna do is fuck this up or make her feel uncomfortable. But damn, girl.

Anyways, the first semester is closing up. We're about to be on winter break. Christmas, New Years, all of that shit is coming up.

to be honest, i'm more excited than i've ever really been about it.

However, I'm also nervous. What the fuck do I get Ariana for Christmas? I guess I should ask her instead of going balls to the walls, huh?

I'll just try to be discreet.

even though that shit will NOT work. that hoe too smart.

"Y/n?" I shook my head rapidly, snapping out of the deep thought I was sucked into.

"Shit, I'm sorry Mila. I don't know what happened right there." I chuckled nervously. I didn't want her to think something's wrong. What was I supposed to tell her.

Oh yeah, remember when I said Ariana was joking about being my girlfriend? Well technically, she actually is and it's been going on for months now.

I genuinely considered Camila one of my closest friends now. A best friend, even. But I couldn't tell her. If there was one thing I did know about the banana lover, she couldn't keep secrets for shit.

big mouthed hoe

"It's okay, I was just explaining the problem. Do you get it?" She looked concerned but I could tell she didn't want to say anything. I respected that, because I still have no idea what lie to come up with.

I looked down at the worksheet in front of me, sighing as my eyes scanned over the question.

I got it pretty quickly - thanks to Camila's tutoring lessons. When I finished, the Cuban gave me a proud smile.

"Good job." She placed a comforting hand on my shoulder.

When the bell rang, we continued to talk about how her life's been going. Apparently, she's been considering pursuing music. She then proceeded in telling me that her sister, Sofi, always supports it whenever she brings it up. Along with her parents, of course.

It was cute.

I then shot a joke in there and she straight up belly laughed, placing a hand on my abdomen as she leaned into me for support. She was laughing so hard that I couldn't help but chuckle a little. It was contagious. The joke wasn't even that funny, which makes this situation just that little bit funnier.

"Camila, hands off what's mine." The Italian stood there with a straight face but an amused look in her eye. Her arms were crossed in front of her chest and her eyebrow was raised. If we didn't know any better, she could pass off as actually mad.

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