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[ chapter 6 ]

september 7
6:30 p.m
boca raton, florida

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"No fucking way!" Ariana exclaimed through her fit of laughter. I followed not long after, nodding enthusiastically.

"Deadass. We had visited his work every week and that day was like no other, except for the fact he got rejected and then slipped and busted his shit." We laugh even harder. We were talking about Zayn and the rest of our friends, and just some embarrassing moments we've had since we last talked.

"That's hilarious." She was wiping her tears at this point. We were out, at the diner we used to always go to, eating the same meal we used to always get.

Mine? Crispy chicken tenders and fries with a strawberry milkshake.

Hers? Crispy chicken tenders with fries, a side of salad, and a strawberry milkshake.

Mac's? Chicken sandwich with curly fries and an oreo milkshake.

Yeah, we've always been big fans of chicken and fries.

I took another bite, unable to rid the amused smile on my face. She was cheesing too, taking a sip from her shake.

However, I couldn't help but let my thoughts wander to the same question I've had since last week when we talked.

I sighed, nervously rubbing the back of my neck. An anxiety habit I've had since I was young.

"What's wrong Y/nn?" She now had the shake back on the table and her full attention on me. I shook my head.

"C'mon, I know you well enough to know something's up." She gave me a stern look.

"Ariana, why did you wait this long to talk to me about.." I trailed off. Her face dropped and I immediately regretted saying anything. She sighed and her lips pursed.

"For the same reason you never made the first move for it, I didn't want to." Her voice had a bit of a bite to it. I was taken aback to say the least. She seemed irritated now.

"Oh.." I didn't want to fight with her, so that's the only thing I could really get out. Now I had even more questions.

Why'd she get so defensive? Why didn't she want to? Is there something she didn't tell me when we talked?

"Stop that." She hissed, causing me to come back to reality. I noticed I was still staring right at her, lost in thought.

"Stop what?" I furrow my eyebrows. "Looking at me like that. Reading me. Just-" She stopped, taking a deep breath. Then suddenly, she looked behind me and her cold expression turned into one of panic.

"Um, u-uh - Y/n-" She was cut off. Of course, someone just had to come and make things worse.

"Hey babe, is she upsetting you?" Pete. I slowly looked up to see him glaring down at me. Had he not even spit a glance at Ariana? The fuck is he, obsessed with me?

"No, Pete. Why are you here?" I glanced at the brunette who looked conflicted but overall pissed off. I had already irritated her with a simple question, now her rat looking ass boyfriend had to come and make it worse.

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