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[ chapter 7 ]

september 7
11:00 p.m
miami, florida

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Almost an hour drive to their station, and a two hour wait later I finally have some clue of what's happening. I have to stay the night in jail - which wouldn't be the first time so I'm not really worried about it.

I have court at 9:00 A.M tomorrow morning to see if I'm going to prison for this shit or not.

And Aaron?

I never got that information. And that's only made my anxiety worse. The last thing I wanna hear tonight or tomorrow is that my kidnapper is free.

But then I remember.


We're supposed to do our project tomorrow and I'm gonna be stuck in court and possibly jail. I was able to talk to my parents, who told me as soon as they get the information on my bail they'll get me out of here. All that was left to talk to was Ariana, Billie, and Zayn.

"Y/L/N!" A guard boomed. I looked up, seeing him staring right back at me. "You get one call, come on." I nod, thanking God internally.

Once I get to the phone, I immediately dial Ariana's number without thinking about it. I don't know why I didn't choose my best friends, don't ask.

She picked up on the third ring.

"Hello?" She spoke hesitantly.

"Ari, it's Y/n." The line went silent, all but her breathing.

"Y/nn what the fuck did you do?" She asked in a tone I didn't recognize. My eyebrows furrowed.

"Um, long story short someone called the police and allegedly said that I used and possessed weed." I sigh.

"Who the fuck would do that.." She trailed off at the end, her voice fading and I could tell she was in deep thought.

"Shit, Pete." My eyes widen and my jaw clenched. "Oh my fuck your boyfriend put me in jail!?" I whisper-yelled, unbelievably pissed off.

"I didn't think he'd actually fucking do it! He said he would get rid of you for me, I didn't know he meant ruin your fucking life and reputation!" She freaked out.

"Well, that means I'm gonna need your help in court." I sighed. "Okay."

"It's tomorrow, 9 A.M. Can you make it?" I ask. She responds with a hum.

"Alright, good. Let Billie and Zayn know for me too, have them come." I was about to stop but then I remember an important part.

"Oh, and I'm in Miami. So, I suggest you all ride together early in the morning. I'm sorry for making you miss sch-"

"Y/n I couldn't care less about school right now. I'm worried, and I'm here for you. Thank you for calling me." I sighed a breath of relief. At least she wasn't upset.

"Wrap it up." That same guard gave me a look. I nodded.

"You're my first choice. Always. I gotta go. See you soon, Grande." I had to hang up before she could respond. The guard then lead me back to my cell with four other women and left.

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