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(not proofread)
[ chapter 9 ]

september 14
1:30 p.m
boca raton, florida

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"Billie, shut the fuck up." I mouthed to her with a bite as she put her tongue in between her pointer and middle finger for the 3rd time today.

She just smirked and looked back at the board. I rolled my eyes and turned to Camila, who was shyly writing down the notes on the board.

"You know, you should really be writing these down, too." She whispered, only taking a second to glance up from her paper to look at me. I smirked.

"Why do that when you were assigned to do it for me?" I teased. She snorted and rolled her eyes.

She didn't say anything else - but instead grabbed my paper and copied the notes down on there too. I had noticed last minute how it might've looked to outsiders.

She was leaned over, her left forearm covering her face and half of my body while her right arm and hand was writing. Her beautiful, slightly wavy brown hair cascaded in front of her face and on her sides.

It was obvious. It looked like she was teasing me, or at least had her head in my crotch area. As soon as I noticed this, my head snapped to look towards Billie; who was already eyeing us.

I sighed and mentally cursed her out as the smirk on her face grew by the second. I sent her a nasty glare and that's when Camila backed away and sat up straight.

She had a smirk on her face and a knowing look in her eyes.

goddammit billie.

Soon, class ended and I made a B-line straight out the door. I knew I looked flushed as I could feel how hot my face was. This didn't help when I bumped into the one woman I did NOT want to see right now.

"Shit, my bad." She mumbled but then looked back up at me with a confused expression.

"What's got you all flustered, Y/l/n?" She asked with an eyebrow raised and a teasing smirk on her face.

"I-uhh .. wel-"

"Y/N! Hey, wait up!" Oh my luck is just really not on my side today, huh.

I turned around to see Camila jogging up to me with a paper in her hand.

"Hey, um-I-you forgot your notes. So, here." She giggled nervously. I smiled and thanked her as I took them.

"When should we set up a time for the thing? And where?" She asked, then looked at Ariana. I then turned to Ariana - who had an unreadable look on her face. I ignored it for now and turned back to the other brown haired, brown eyed girl.

"Uh, how about tomorrow at my place?" I ask, to which she nods enthusiastically with a big smile on her face.

"Yeah, that's cool. Can I get your number then?" I wanted to speed this up as I don't know how Ariana feels about all this.

I nod and type my number into her phone before turning to Ariana, who was staring at Camila's phone with a glare.

"Uh, Ari, this is Camila. She's helping me with math. Camila, this is Ariana-"

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