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(not proofread)
[ chapter 29 ]

july 1
3:30 p.m
miami, florida

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"At least you didn't move far." I chuckled lightly, helping her unpack her things into her new room.

"I know right! Got lucky, I guess." Camila laughed, throwing one of her suitcases in the closet. "I'm gonna miss you, though." She pouted, turning to look at me. I stopped what I was doing and smiled at her.

"I'll never be too far away. You need me, I'm there." I reassured her. It seemed to work as her pout flipped into an adoring smile.

"I hate you." She grumbled playfully, approaching me. "No you don't." I chuckled, enveloping her into a hug as her arms wrapped around my neck.

"I think I'm gonna try the XFactor here in Miami." She spoke randomly, her breath hitting my neck. The tingles that went down my spine gave me a rush of both adrenaline and butterflies.

"Holy shit, really! I think you'll fucking kill it." I smiled, pulling away to look her in the eyes. Her doe brown ones bored into mine and it reminded me of Ariana.

more butterflies

"Really? Awe!" She squeaked, kissing my cheek. "Thank you, Y/n." She whispered in my ear. Her tone was slightly flirty, and I honestly didn't know how to feel about it.

I simply hummed and nodded, smiling. When we pulled apart, her hands still wrapped around my neck while mine were around her waist, she just stared at me. At first I was confused, but I caught onto that look.

"Y/nn, are you gonna pursue music too?" She asked, playing with the little baby hairs at the back of my neck.

"Honestly, I don't know. The boys and I have been thinking of becoming a band." I admitted, shrugging. Her reaction was nothing short of surprise. "They can sing too?" She asked, shocked.

"Yeah," I chuckled. "They're really good. We all play instruments too. And of course, we can all dance. Our options are limitless." I slightly gushed, getting excited about the future. We had what it takes, it was just a question of if we would make it or not.

"That's amazing." She smiled genuinely. Her eyes were so soft and accepting. I got all giddy, my stomach twisting and turning. It was a good kind, though.

When silence enveloped the air it was light, the energy was positive and bright. Her eyes were pulling me in, her body language and the way she 'subtly' came closer and her hips came in contact with mine. I couldn't take it anymore.

I pulled her body to completely connect with mine, our lips included. Her head tilted instantly, simultaneously melting into the kiss. I knew I wasn't any better. The kiss was slow but it was passionate, my body was rising in temperature and our chests' movement became more rapid.

It got heated. It got lustful.

One thing lead to another. Like things always do. Our clothes were torn off, her back was on the bed and our breathless moans and groans filled up the past-silence in a flash.

I never thought I'd see Camila this way. Sure, I've thought about it. But, I never imagined it actually happening. And honestly, it was better than the times I thought about it.

"Shit," I fell back onto the bed, chest heaving and face red. We looked distressed, obviously.

"I knew you could fuck, but not like that." Camila breathed out, staring up at the ceiling as she came back down from her high.

"Likewise." I chuckled lightly. She did as well, turning her head to look at me.

"What's next?" She asked, not seeming worried or nervous for my answer. However, those couple words had my mind in overdrive. The amount of changes I've experienced throughout these few months are insane.

But, I sighed and shrugged nonchalantly on the outside.

"I don't know." The beautiful Cuban smirked. "You really are the definition of someone who causes infatuations." She said randomly.

"Infatuations?" I questioned, chuckling lightly. "Yeah. I don't know how to explain it."

I shrugged.

"Maybe I'll just take that title, and run with it."



that is it, my amazing readers . it's been quite the journey . i had so much fun ! i hope you enjoyed . i kind of think of this book as a prequel to the next , but we'll call the next a sequel anyways .

EDIT april 27, 2021:

the sequel is out and has 6 chapters done already! i love you all 🖤

I've now changed the title from 'perfectly wrong' to 'infatuation' . the book cover will more than likely change again, just so you know :) .

thank you so much . its been fun , i'll see you guys in part two ;)

much love , A

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