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(not proofread)
[ chapter 11 ]

october 2
2:45 p.m
boca raton, florida

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It's been just about 3 weeks since Ariana and I kissed. To much disappointment, we never did it again. It's not like things were awkward, but I feel like we just had a silent agreement to continue to build our friendship a little more before jumping into .. whatever we want really.

At first, I felt wrong. Guilty, almost. It felt like it wasn't right to do anything with my passed best friend's ex-girlfriend. But now, I realize that I can't control it. I can't control how I feel, and Ariana can't either. If it wasn't meant to happen, God wouldn't let it. Right?

"Um, earth to Y/l/n?" Billie whispered into my ear. I jumped and pushed her away out of instinct. She started dying laughing, interrupting the class. It was so bad she fell out of her chair. I couldn't help but snort, Zayn joining in on the laughter even though he didn't really know what happened.

"You three, do you need to be separated?" Mrs. Miller gave me a look. I shook my head with an innocent smile. She chuckled and shook her head. Billie stood and wiped the tears from her face.

"You made me fuck up my makeup, dick." She slapped my shoulder as she sat back down. I put my hands up in fake surrender and chuckled. "That, was not my fault." She just snorted and shook her head.

"Y/n, go sit next to Camila please." I gave her puppy dog eyes, but it wasn't helping my case at all. She just gave me a stern look; so I stood and followed Mrs. Miller's directions.

"Hey troublemaker." Camila spoke quietly, nudging my shoulder. "Good afternoon Cabello." I spoke in a fake professional tone. She giggled and looked away. I smiled.

I then turned my head to look at Ariana, who was already staring at me - well, basically glaring at me.

I gave her a look of confusion and all she did was look away. I shrugged it off and decided to tune into the lesson.

As the class ended and the final bell rang, I left laughing and just having a nice friendly conversation with Camila. What interrupted that was a harsh shove to my shoulder.

I turned around and noticed that alien headed Nathan kid heading straight to Ariana. My demeanor hardened and Camila took notice to that right away.

"You okay, Y/nn?" She asked. I nodded.

"Yeah, y-yeah I-I'm cool." I cleared my throat, stuffing my hands into my front pant pockets.

I looked down at her and she smiled comfortably up at me. I returned it and wrapped my arm around her shoulder. "You're a great fucking friend, you know that right?" I asked, cheesing.

She smiled even brighter and leaned into me more. "Thanks, Y/nn!" I nodded. I then turned to look back at Ariana, noticing her uncomfortably close to Nathan - who keep in mind she dated in, like, freshman year. 

I sighed. I unwrapped my arm from Camila and ruffled her hair. "I'll see you around C." She nodded, fixing her hair and walking away from me with a small smile.

I turned around and stood up straighter, walking over to them slowly. I was jealous, I'll admit it. And I'm not afraid to show it. Ariana looked over, her eyes widening when she realized I was now approaching them.

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